Chapter Three ~ Phone Calls And Dates.

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At around three that day Chloe and Shannon arrived back at their shared apartment in London where their first job to do was to phone Brad and James. Shannon walked off into the red, white and black colour schemed living room where she flopped down onto the black leather sofa and reclined it back. Taking the now crumpled piece of paper which Brad's number was written on out of her pocket, she began to dial said number into her white iPhone. 

"Hello...?" Brad's angelic voice spoke through the phone. 

"Hey Brad, it's me uh, Shannon, from Uni?" Shannon awkwardly said. 

"Shannon? Oh hey! Can't believe you actually called." Brad replied in a excitable tone. 

"Of course I would, now how about this date?" Shannon asked in a fail attempt of flirtatious tone.

"Well how about I meet you at St.James' park at seven, sweet heart and wear something cute, yeah?" Brad suggested. 

Shannon agreed and bade her farewells to Brad before jumping off and going to get ready even though she has about four hours to get ready. 

On the other side of the apartment, Chloe sat on her bed in her poster covered room carefully typing in the number James had given her earlier that day. 

"Hello?" James answered after a few rings. 

"Hey James, it's me... Chloe, remember from Uni?" Chloe replied. 

"Hey Chloe! Thought you wouldn't call!" James admitted. 

"Why? You said to call so we could arrange that date, remember?" Chloe responded with a smirk. 

"I did say that so I'll meet you in Hyde park at six, dress casual though, okay Princess?" James asked. 

Chloe agreed and they both said goodbye before Chloe got up and starting jumping around her room in excitement.


Six o'clock soon came around and Chloe was dressed as casual as James instructed her too. Black skinny jeans covered my legs as a medium thickness grey varsity sweater covered her torso and arms while her feet supported a pair of grey vans to match and a black beanie covered my natural hair which I left down. Many articles of jewelry hung from my neck and wrists like most times. 

After telling Shannon where I was going and who with (and after fangirling from the both of them after Shannon told me about her date with Brad) I left for Hyde Park. A ride on the London Underground and a five minute walk later, I arrived at Hyde park when I received a text. 

'Hey Princess, look on the wall of the Joy Of Life fountain to find out your mission... If you choose to accept it!"

Giggling slightly, I made my way to the fountain. Reaching the fountain, I found a piece of A4 lined paper with a set of instructions wrote out on them and a Nerf battle gun next to it; 

'Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to fight me in the battle to the death (Not really but play along!) 

Two things:

1) This gun loaded with ammo is yours... USE IT WISELY!

2) You are under attack as from now. (: 

     ~James. xxx'

I quickly but neatly folded the piece of paper in half and stuffed it in my pocket before grabbing the Nerf gun and setting out on on mission to find James. 

After a short ten minutes of walking aimlessly around Hyde Park, I began to get tired and bored as I  could not find James anywhere. A object shot at my head which made me turn around in an instant. 

"FOUND YOU!" I yelled, running over in that direction. 

Two hours passed of running around Hyde Park like maniac's when finally both of our ammo's had ran out. Laughing like sociopaths and talking about anything and everything including ourselves and families, James and me walked along the street of London in need of a place to eat. 

"Well, that was different... But I loved it, it was unique!" I said still giggling slightly.

"I-I want to ask you something Chloe..." James spoke after he calmed down from his laughing fit, stopping in front of Chloe. "I like you... Like really really like you, a lot in fact and I wondered if you, Chloe Louise Deyes, would like to be my girlfriend?" 

"Of course I would." I smiled. 

James smiled back and cupped my face in his large, warm hands before placing a soft kiss on my lips. Our lips felt as if they were made for each others as they moved together in unison with each others. Unfortunately, James pulled away sooner than I would of liked him to but never the less, it was a perfect kiss. 'What a perfect night.' I thought as me and James continued their search for a restaurant. 


Two hours past slowly after Chloe left for her date with James. Six o'clock finally came though so I made my way to St.James' park to meet up with Brad. I wore a red casual dress which came to just above my knees and black flats to match the black belt around the middle of the dress. My hair was down and straightened perfectly so it was pin straight. 

I didn't know what to expect when I got to St.James' park but I certainly didn't expect to see Brad sitting in a medium sized rowing boat on the lake waiting for me. Smiling, I made my way over to him where he helped me into the boat. Brad was wearing a white button down shirt, a black tight fitting blazer, black jeans and smart shoes. He looked perfect, as always. 

We talked for a while as Brad rowed us to the middle of the lake before he brought out a wicker picnic basket which looked like to be overflowing with foods of every kind. 

"You look beautiful tonight by the way, Shannon." Brad complimented as we finished eating. 

"Thank you, you look extremely handsome tonight as well, Brad." I responded as her cheeks turned a bright crimson colour. 

"Cheers. Anyway, I planned something else for you too." Brad informed, bringing out his guitar from behind him. 

"You don-" 

"But I want to. Just sit and listen, okay sweet heart?" Brad interrupted me before he started to strum an easily recognisable song to Shannon 

"Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me, hold me in arms. Your hearts against my chest, your lips pressed in my neck. I've fallen for your eyes but they don't know me yet and the feeling that I forget, I'm in love now. Kiss me like you wanna be loved, wanna be loved, wanna be loved. This feels like I've fallen in love, fallen in love, fallen in love." Brad softly sang, before singing the rest of 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran. 

"Oh my God, that was beautiful, Brad." I spoke through my tears. 

"Just like you then. Shannon, I was just wondering if maybe you'll be girlfriend?" Brad asked, nervously. 

"I'd love too!" I replied, grinning. 

Brad lent forwards and placed his lips softly onto mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync with each others before Brad pulled away much to my dismay. 

"Tonight has been perfect, thank you." I spoke, kissing him once more. 

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