Chapter Seven ~ The News.

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Later on that evening when most of the guests had left, along with Shannon and Brad who had left with her parents, Nathan and Jessica as they had planned to go and stay in Gloucester for a couple of nights. 

When they arrived, Shannon gave Brad a tour of her beloved hometown of Gloucester. Walking from her childhood school, her first work place and the park she used to go too with Nathan and Jessica when they were little, Shannon and Brad ended on a random field. 

The sun was setting over the field, making Shannon watch it in awe as she sat in the middle of Brad's spread apart legs, her back against his chest and his arms tightly wrapped protectively around her waist; they talked about anything and everything. Even though it was just a small field, it looked beautiful in it's full summer bloom. Daisy's and beautiful fully bloomed flowers of every kind imaginable covered the field, protruding out from within the bright healthy green grass; It was perfect. 

"So, you've lived here you entire life?" Brad asked randomly. 

"Yup, my whole seventeen years of living!" Shannon replied with a slight giggle at the end. 

"Shannon... Uhh, I need to tell you something." Brad spoke nervously after a couple minutes of comfortable silence between the two. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" Shannon asked, equally as nervous as Brad now. 

"What? No, no, no! I would never. It's just that me and the boys have been, uh, asked to be McFly's support act for their Memory Lane Tour." Brad said all in one shaky breath. 

"That's great! For how long?" Shannon asked, faking her excitement when really she was feeling upset and sad about Brad leaving for a maybe long period of time.

"Only a couple of months." Brad replied back, nuzzling his head in Shannon's neck. 

"I'll miss you." Shannon whispered, turning around to face Brad to place a light yet passionate kiss on her lips. 

"I'll miss you more, sweetheart." Brad muttered on her lips before pressing them on hers once more. 

Meanwhile, back in Brighton Chloe and James were walking across the shingle beach of Brighton as an way of escaping the zoo of a house they just left behind due to it being filled with Alfie's slightly drunk, hyperactive and loud friends which were staying the night. 

The beach is silent except for the small waves crashing against the shore onto their bare feet, washing the night's debris onto the land. Every size pebbles covers the floor as far as your eyes can see. A soothing, gentle sea breeze rustles through their hair. Hands intertwined, they strolled across the water edge as a comfortable silence lingered between them. 

"Princess?" James whispered, breaking the silence surrounding them. 

"Yes, James?" She replied. 

"I need to, uh, tell you something important." James informed. 

"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" Chloe nervously asked, biting down onto her bottom lip as she looked at James. 

"No, no, no! Of course not it's just that we got a phone call yesterday asking if we'd like to be the, erm, support act for McFly's Memory Lane Tour." James nervously spoke, never breaking his gaze on Chloe to see what her reaction was. 

"James, that's great. You said yes didn't you!?" Chloe fake smiled to hid her inner feelings of sadness and upset that James would be leaving for a period of time she didn't know yet. 

"Yeah we did. It's for a couple of months though." James sighed, stopping both him and Chloe and standing in front of her. 

"We'll be okay, I'll miss you though." Chloe smiled up at him as he placed a small but passionate kiss on her lips before he muttered back; 

"I'll miss you more, Princess." 

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