Chapter 22

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"I cannot believe I have to do this." Marlee grumbled as we stood in the security area beneath the Kremlin, where Niall was being kept somewhere. They quickly figured out he wasn't a suspect in the terrorist attack, somehow, and were almost ready to set him free. But then of course they found his gun and everything went to hell, as we were told by the security guard at the front desk.

The sleazy man grinned up at the three of us as Marlee took her sparkling engagement ring and slipped it off her finger. She held it up for a minute, all of us taking a good look at the rock, before she handed it to the man. I knew how much the ring meant to her, obviously, but Niall meant more.

The man then left us alone as he went down some dark hallway. Marlee glared at us as she tapped her foot on the floor, impatiently waiting to reunite with the love of her life. I sighed and rubbed my head, just wanting to get out of the building. I knew it was important that we got back to work, because Mallory could still have been going after people, especially now that we were distracted.

Footsteps sounded in the distance and the next thing I knew, Marlee was running down the hall towards Niall and jumping into his arms. They shared a lengthy kiss and muttered a few "I love you's" before coming back over towards Louis and I.

"Thanks for getting me out, guys." Niall smiled a little, but he was obviously still a bit shaken up. I mean, being stuck in a jail cell in the Kremlin would do that to anyone. "Yeah, no problem." Louis answered, flashing him a kind smile back. But that smile was quickly wiped away when a hand came up and slapped his cheek, making a loud clap sound through the room.

"Oi! What the hell, Marlee?" Louis yelled as we all stared at the girl, who just stood there fuming. Niall put his arms around her and luckily managed to calm her down a bit, but poor Louis was still rubbing his sore cheek. "Look what he made me do, Niall! He left you behind and let you get arrested, and then made me give some gross security guard my engagement ring!" she yelled, throwing her hand up in Niall's face to prove just what she was explaining to him.

Niall looked between his fiance and his new friend, before finally shoving Louis' shoulder a bit and throwing off his balance. He took a bit of a tumble and fell against me, but I pushed him back off and waited to see if Louis would go after Marlee or Niall first. The suspense was killer, really.

"Hey, Ow! Hello? She is the one who made you do give him the ring! Little miss 'oh I speak Russian and I know that this guy is a sleaze and will do anything for a bit of gambling money'." Louis wined and gestured to me, standing quietly behind him. I gave him the evil eye as he just threw me under the bus. Real nice, Louis.

"Yeah, but we know better than to hit her." Marlee explained and I finally laughed as Louis looked at them both, completely shocked. I put an arm around him and smirked as his mouth fell open, making everyone laugh a little. It was good for us to have fun little moments like these. We probably wouldn't have time for them soon enough.

Together, the four of us finally were able to leave the Kremlin. Chaos had died down inside an out, but across the square Saint Basil's was still closed, labeled as a crime scene all around. Just looking at it made me want to throw up, but mainly it made me want to get back to work as soon as possible.

"Okay, so I think we can assume that what killed those people was the virus, because they don't have any physical evidence yet. I think it's best now that we go after Mallory." I started to explain my plan of action as we stopped in the middle of the square, crowds of people moving around us. It was strange to think that a few hours ago murder had occurred just a few hundred feet away, but that was how city life worked. It was how my mind used to work.

I was going to start explaining my actual plan of attack in which we actually would go after Mallory, but when I looked up I saw that a certain two people weren't even paying attention, instead they were totally enveloped in each other's arms. And Louis was only looking at me painfully, not wanting to turn to what he had to see as an alternative. Geez, Niall had been in jail for two hours and they acted like they hadn't seen each other in weeks. Was this even legal in Russia?

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