chapter 10

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dagger looked down at the dock that looked like it would fall apart if anyone touched it dagger shrugged and dropped down onto it "what're you doing?!" the crew asked her shouting she looked up "well someone had to test it" she said jumping up and down a few time "yep it'll hold" she said walking off towards the town "oi dagger wait up" ace called to her running after her she giggled as he caught up they walked into the town "this place is deserted" ace said she nodded in agreement "lets check this old shop" she said walking up to a building "ace make sure your careful this place could be full of boobie traps" she said  ace charged right into the building not heading her warning and she had to knock him over "trap!" she said turning to steel as a large axe swung down it connected with her arm that she used to block it "ace I told you to be carful" she said looking at him "are you alright?" she asked he nodded getting up off the floor he dusted himself off and she sighed with relief moving out of the way she turned her body back to normal he looked into a back storage room and saw some wood "here I fond what were looking for it looks brand new" he said she followed him into the room and picked up a fair amount balancing it on a few swords "your power is so cool" ace said "so is yours" she said with a chuckle the two began walking back to he ship they climbed aboard and put all the wood away "wow" marco said "what?" dagger asked "so far your the only ones to come back" marco said ace and dagger frowned at him "we've been gone for 2 hours" she said marco nodded "exactly" he said "should we go look for them?" dagger asked "no it was a shock that you two came back I don't need to lose you two if something did happen" white beard said dagger nodded walking to the side of the ship she watched and about 5 minutes went by when she saw a group of figures spiriting towards the ship "here they come" she said watching "why are they running?" marco asked "their not just running their being chased" she said standing up she cracked her back a bit "whelp my turn" she said chuckling "what are those things?" marco asked "they are lost souls trapped on the earth as zombies" whitebeard said "doesn't that mean they can't be killed?" marco asked whitebeard smirked "you'll be amazed as to see her power the power of the holy white blade" white beard said marco went to ask another question "just watch" white beard said a little ways away dagger had stopped walking she pulled off her jacket handing it to thatch as her an by "those things can't be killed!" thatch shouted "oh yes they can" she said putting her arms behind her back two katanas slowly emerged from her back she brushed her bangs back and kneeled down the white blades glistened in the sun "those trapped here on earth may your souls rest in peace" she whispered "what is she doing?" ace asked "saying a short prayer before she can free the trapped souls" whitebeard said dagger stayed that way kneeled down until the ghouls running at her were mere inches in front of her face she stood up and in the blink of an eye she zigzagged through all the corpses she touched the tips of her blades to the ground and the bodies began dropping one by one as she turned around she whispered "may you should rest easy on it's new journey to the afterlife!" she shouted the last word before she began walking through the path of zombies their bodies all turned to ash she heard a twig snap behind her and turned around she dropped to her knees seeing the demented children from the night before the approached her and she froze "thank you for freeing our village please come free our souls to" they said she nodded and lifted her swords saying another short prayer "may your lost souls find those whence you belong" she said before tapping her blades together gently the ghost children then disappeared and she stood p beginning to walk back to the ship she hummed a little song to herself she hopped aboard the ship "that was a nice thing you did" whitebeard said she smiled happily "they deserved to be free from the island" she said "can I see your katanas?" thatch asked she nodded handing them to him he examined the blades "so these are what come out of your back" he said in awe "yes now they are going away" she said the swords floated over and slid into her back she smiled a bit "alright now i'm gonna go work on that thing" she said taking her jacket and walking off into the ship she entered the infirmary and handed the doctor a picture "can you do it?" she asked "of course anything for you dagger please remove your shirts and lay down so we can begin" he said she nodded laying down she pointed to her lower back and the doctor began the tattoo process about 5 minutes into it she heard the door open and watched as ace entered the room "why didn't you tell me you were starting it now?" he asked she shrugged "i didn't think it mattered" she said ace sighed before sitting down next to her on a chair he placed his hand gently over hers she smiled at him she gripped the table and squeezed her eyes shut as he got to where he spine is she bit her lip and ace clasped her hand he smiled at her as she opened her eyes she smiled back a bit as she gritted her teeth 4 hours went by and the doctor finally finished her jolly Rodger tattoo before starting on the halo she wanted on her upper back "your getting another tattoo?" ace asked she nodded "this one will only take an hour and thirty the doctor said an hour and thirty minutes passed and dagger was looking at the tattoos in the mirror she smiled "they look amazing thank you doctor" she said with a smile she showed them to ace who smiled happily "looks good you gonna go show the others?" he asked she nodded grabbing her shirts and jacket before heading out to the deck in her bra and jeans she got some cat calls and whitebeard scolded them she smiled up at her father she turned around moving her hair to the side white beard laughed "guahahahaha that looks great dagger" he said she smiled "what's going on over here?" marco asked being followed by izo, thatch and jozu she turned around to show them "aha how does it feel to officially be part of the family dags?" marco asked "it feels pretty sore" she giggled "oh and surprise" she said laughing "it looks amazing so does the halo" izo said she smiled receiving a couple comments. later that night she couldn't lay on her back she hard her bedroom door creak open "hi" she said seeing ace shut the door and walk over to her "hey" he whispered laying down next to her "still sore?" he asked she nodded with a sigh he chuckled and put his arm around the middle of her back away from the sore parts "goodnight dagger" he whispered "goodnight" she mumbled before falling asleep.

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