chapter 13

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the next morning dagger was woken up by giggling she frowned before groaning she rolled over shielding her eyes from the lights she saw nami, robin, usopp and luffy sitting there giggling "what the fuck?" dagger asked looking at them confused she rubbed her eyes feeling a grip tighten around her torso she looked over seeing ace there as she remembered what happened the previous night "oh that's why your giggling like children" she said poking aces side "what?" he mumbled "wake up" she whispered watching aces eyes open slightly" what the hell?" he asked looking past her seeing the four of them giggling "ugh get out" ace said cuddling into daggers side they burst out laughing "i knew there was something going on between you two" nami said ace opened his eyes again letting dagger go "there is nothing going on between us" dagger said ace nodded in agreement "i'm pretty sure ace would've told luffy if there were" dagger said slowly getting up she ran her  fingers through her hair "i'd duck if I were you three" she said "what? why?" usopp asked "that's why!" nami shrieked pulling luffy and usopp down to the floor robin was laughing by the door frame as dagger retrieved her sword and her clothes  she turned facing the wall and pulled her tank top off" what are you doing?" nami asked shocked "changing my shirt what does it look like?" she asked letting out a small laugh robin crossed her arms a hand spawning on usopp and luffy's shoulders covering their eyes dagger pulled her bustier on then her jacket before pulling her jeans on over her shorts then her belt and jacket she turned around seeing the arms "whoa that's pretty neat did you do that robin?" dagger asked poking the hand a couple times robin nodded "that's really cool" dagger said the hands disappeared and dagger stood back up straight "that was fast" luffy said dagger smiled at him "hey luffy do you want to play a game?" dagger asked crouching down as she pulled her gloves on and zipped up her boots luffy smiled from ear to ear "yes!" he shouted "alright come on" she said standing up and running out of the room luffy got up after her "come on usopp" luffy said "ok!" usopp said following after luffy robing giggled and nami shook her head "she's just like one of the guys" nami said "that's what makes her the best" ace mumbled sleepily "come on nami lets leave ace to get out of bed" robin said nami stood up following robin out of the room they shut the door before going out to the deck to see luffy, usopp and chopper playing tag with dagger luffy stretched his arms out to tag her but she flew up "you can fly to?!" they asked shocked "i have blades in my boots" she giggled moving around in the air stars appeared in the three's eyes as they watched she giggle landing back on the ground "i wanna try!" luffy shouted "alright sit down" she said luffy did as he was told and dagger placed her palms on the soles of his sandals when she removed them there were plates of iron on his feet "alright stand up" she said luffy stood up and dagger raised her hand "whoa luffy your flying!" chopper shouted happily alright luffy lean and you can project your self around" she said putting her hand down luffy began moving around all on his own "just don't go over the ocean" she said "ok" luffy said "me next me next" chopper said happily alright here you go chopper" she said putting the metal pads on his feet "your turn usopp" she said quickly putting the pads on his feet "how are they able to move on their own?" robin asked "it's a prototype for flying shoes" dagger giggled robin giggled to "whoa how are you dudes flying like that? franky asked walking out  from inside the hip "go ask dagger about it" usopp said franky strolled over "good morning robin, ladies" he said "morning franky" the three replied "dagger how are they able to fly?" franky asked dagger reached into her jacket and pulled out some more of the metal pads "these are only prototypes but you stick them to the soles of your feet like so" she said applying them to her own boots "and then you just lean they work by feeling the nerves in your feet and body motions" she said "their still a little iffy that's why I told them not to fly over the water dagger said motioning with her hand o pull luffy away fro the edge "do you think you could show me the interior?" franky asked "of course one moment" she said "oi luffy, usopp chopper make sure you stay away from the edges of the ship until I come back ok?" dagger said "ok" the shouted back "if you don't nami will beat you" dagger said "she's totally right on that note" nami laughed "super! lets go" franky said dagger nodded with a smile before following franky down to his workshop she sat down on one of the stools he pointed her to she placed a couple of the pads on the work bench "may I borrow a screw driver?" she asked "of course here you go" he said she smiled with a nod before taking the backing off she began explaining the simple mechanics of the design "i don't know how to stabilize it though" she said suddenly she felt arms around her and jumped slightly before looking up to see ace was leaning on her he was resting his chin on her head "what are you guys doing?" he asked "i'm showing franky the design for these flying pads" she said "the ones luffy and his friends have?" ace asked "yep" she said franky began messing around with the wires "alright now we have to test them" franky said "well their originally made for me and since they were made from the iron I control I can't test them" dagger said "and they don't react well with metal" franky said "ace" dagger said "hm?" he mumbled "would you be the best and test out the prototype?" she asked looking up at him with the most adorable puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen "yeah sure I guess" he said removing his arms from around her he stood up dagger stood up and got him to sit on the stool before she applied them to his feet before she pulled him up into  standing position she raised  her hand and ace lifted into the air "alright your doing good now lean to move around" dagger said putting her hands down there was a knock on the door "come on in" franky said the door opened and robin was standing there dagger the boys don't know how to come down they said their tired and want to go for a nap" robin said dagger nodded "i'll be there in a minute robin" dagger said "i'll be right back franky use the remote control if it becomes unstable" she said running up to the deck dagger used her hand to bring them down with the quick swipe of her hand the pads from their feet returned to her jacket "alright I have to go continue with the tests see you later" she said running back down to franky's workshop. franky, ace and dagger spent the rest of the day doing tests and working on the products for the rest of the day sanji even brought them food.

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