Sam's point of veiw: iGo home to mum

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When I found out I could go home I was so happy. But then I found out that I was going home to mum. Then my face dropped.
But I had no choice so I had to go.

Back in Seattle. At Sam's mums new house

Well my mum moved into Bushwell Plaza. Just 4 floors below Carly's. And the house isn't too bad.

When I got home I told my mum the strict instructions from the doctor:
1. Stay in bed,
2. Take all five injections twice a day,
3. Make sure you keep you're head slightly elevated at all times,
4. Get lots of rest and sleep,
5. Stay healthy,

When I got in my mum sent me straight up to bed. And told me not to even think about going back downstairs.
Over an hour later I heard yelling then I heard someone shout, let's go up stairs.
Then my mum came in my room and started slapping me repeatedly.
Pam: Stupid Girl
She kept on repeating that she started yelling at me. And telling me to get up. It was obvious that she was incredibly drunk. But I did as she said then a man came and blocked my door way. And she pushed me into my cabinet.
My hand flew to my stomach. And there was blood.
Pam: You ignorant little girl.
She screamed at me as she punched my in the face. Then she threw me to the floor and yelled,
Pam: Get up.
But I couldn't. So she came over to me and grabbed me.
Sam: Yo... You can't treat me like this...
Pam: what are you going to do about it?
I didn't reply so she threw me at the wall. I hit the dresser and I fell onto the floor.
Pam: You have ten minutes then I want you out. You're not living here any more.

I slowly sat up and I grabbed a bag and I put my diary, my phone, my pear book my insulin and some clothes into a bag. At this point I didn't really care that my top had a massive rip going down the stomach area. And I didn't care about my jeans being ripped showing all of my cuts and bruises.
Then my mum ran in and yelled.
Pam: I told you to go.
Then she grabbed my hair, she dragged my down the stairs using it, and then she threw me out the door.

I was lying on the floor and I managed to haul my self into a sitting position and I sat against the wall in absolute pain. Then I heard a voice.

Freddie: Sam what are you doing out here. You're surprised to be in bed resting.
Sam: My mum kicked me out.

Suddenly I lean over and I start coughing up blood.

Freddie: Sam...

The next thing I knew Freddie grabbed my bag and put it on his back then he put his arm around me and pulled me up onto my feet. As soon as he let go I almost fell back into the floor but he caught me and put my arm over his shoulders and he helped me over to the elevator.

When we were in the elevator he picked my up and held me the way you would with a child. One arm across my back, the other under my knees.
When the lift opened Freddie walked over to Spencer's house and he opened the door.
Freddie: Spencer... Spencer... I need your help. It's Sam...
He yelled. Then Spencer came running in.
Spencer: What is i..... Oh my god! Quick come and put her on the Sofa.

Freddie gently laid me down on the sofa. I was in sooo... Much pain. I could feel something stinging in my arm and I decided to look and there was glass sticking out of it.
Then Mrs Benson ran in with her first aid kit.
Mrs Benson: What is is? I got your text saying it was a medical emergency.
Freddie: It's Sam. Look.

Mrs Benson walked over to me and then she decided to remove the glass from my arm first. There were five pieces. The first three came out with no problem. The fourth one was a little harder but it still came out really quickly but the fifth one was complete agony.
Mrs Benson: Sam are you ready?
I nodded slowly.
Mrs Benson: 3, 2, 1....
Sam: AHHHH!!!
I screamed it hurt so much. But it had to come out and it did. So far no one knew about the huge slash across my stomach, and I didn't want them to.
Next Mrs Benson put anti septic cream on all of my cuts (except for the stomach one) and then she wrapped them in bandages. And she put plasters on the smaller ones. She put some ice on the mark where my mum punched me.
Mrs Benson: I think you're going to have a black eye.

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