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           🌲Dipper POV🌲

  I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. Great uncle Ford showed me what he has shown no one else! I knew that after we won dungeons dungeons and more dungeons he trusted me, which is a big victory in itself! But trusting me so much that he shows me what he was doing in the basement and the cosmic rip!?(sorry if that's not what it's called I forgot)That's unbelievable! I have to go tell mabel right now!  Oh, I guess I can't. I mean I did promise that I wouldn't tell anyone, even mabel.  Still we never keep secrets from each other.  Well,  I guess this once it will be OK if we have one secret. Besides, this is the author of the journals we are talking about, when am I ever going to get a chance like this again?

       💫Mabel's POV💫

    Man,  dippers been in the basement a pretty long time,  I wonder what he and Ford are doing?  I was laying in bed waiting for dipper too come up when I heard the door open. I sit up in my bed."dipper?" I ask. "Nope just Stan" Stan said. Disappointed, I lay back down with a soft sigh. Gruncle Stan sits on the edge on the edge on my bed,"what's up?"he says. "Nothing, just waiting for dipper to come up from the basement." I look at Stan and see that he has his serious face on. " look Mabel, I need you to do something for me" Intrigued I sit up "what gruntled Stan?" " I need you to look out for your brother" I smile and reply " well, that won't be hard then, I am always looking after him" "that's not what I mean Mabel" he's in a more serious tone than he was in before, and that starts to worry me. " what I mean is try to keep him away from Stanford, he is bad news for the both of you" "really gruncle Stan? You must be joking" I look him straight in the eye and realize he isn't. "But you know I can't do that gruncle Stan, he won't listen to me if I tell him to stay away from him." Stan replies with a sigh and starts to leave. "Just try to distract him from him ok Mabel?" He has a sad look in his eyes as though he just lost his brother again. I hate to see him like that, so I slowly nod my head in agreement. He then walks down stairs only to be followed by dipper coming back upstairs. "Dipper! What took you so long? It's nearly midnight!"

    🌲Dippers POV🌲

"Dipper! What took you so long? It's nearly midnight!" I hear Mabel yell as soon as I walk in the attic door. " Me and Ford we're just talking, settle down Mabel" I say as I'm walking to my bed. "Well what were you two nerds talking about then?" Dang it! Why did I say we were talking! "We were just talking about the-uh-journals" I say quickly. I look over at Mabel and can tell she knew I was lying, but if she said I was lying, I wouldn't argue because I am really tired. "Well ok dipper, but don't forget that we're going monster hunting tomorrow with soos, and if you bail-" "relax Mabel, I'm not going to bail" I said cutting her off. "Just to make sure, you have to twin promise you won't bail ok?" " walk over and take her pinkie in mine "Promise" we say in unison. "Ok, goodnight dipper" goodnight Mabel" As soon as I said those words, I blacked out into my worst nightmares.

All I can hear is that maniac laughter and it's really starting to freak me out. Suddenly I can see a black and white version of the attic and I start to panic. "Onononononon" is all I can get out of my mouth. Then a blazing blue and yellow light blinds me for a few seconds until I can finally see what I hoped I imagined. In front of me was bill, and he looked just as creepy as he did the last time I met him. "You better believe that I look as creepy as last time pine tree!" He said while twirling his golden cane. Wait, did he just read my mind? "Well obviously I read your mind pine tree, I'm a dream demon after all." I finally managed to get the courage to speak "get out of my dream bill! Why are you here anyway!?" I said while taking a few steps back. "Well first off I am not getting out of your dream kid. And second I am here to congratulate you on finding out who the author of the journals is! You deserve another prize! Do you want another screaming head? What am I saying you probably missed the last one! Of course I will give you another screaming head!"Bill said sarcastically. "No! Of coarse I don't want another screaming head! And there, you congratulated me, now you can go back to hell!" I yelled angrily. All bill did was start to get red. Uh oh. "That's right pine tree, uh oh indeed.." He then graves me by the collar of my shirt and brought me face to face with him. "You listen and you listen close pine tree, that mouth of yours is going to make my hate for you even greater than it already is. And if you back talk me again you will get it a lot worse" Confused I started to say "what do you mea-" but got cut of by a agonizing pain in my head. When bill dropped me it started to get worse. I started screaming and it finally stopped. I sat on the ground curled up in a ball and clutching my head. Then I heard bill say "Maybe next time you'll know how to talk to me. And if you still don't, maybe I'll pay shooting star a visit..." I blacked out and woke up with everything as it should be....mostly everything.

Yay! My first chapter! Leave comments if you read this and enjoyed it! Also if people actually like it then leave theories of what you think will happen. Also you got to love cliffhangers-GFmaster

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