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🌲Dippers POV🌲

I don't know how much longer I can take this torture. Bill wasn't torturing me physically anymore. I think he learned my biggest weakness. My family. Now instead of just mabel getting tortured, everyone I loved was in front of me screaming for me to help them. Then bill kicked it up a notch. Instead of just watching them get toured I did it myself. Not me of coarse, but bill in my body. That's when I couldn't take it anymore. I stayed up almost five days strait until I almost passed out doing the simplest of things. Every time I got up from a sitting position, my vision would cloud and I would get a instant headache. I managed to play it off though. At least I think. The only time where someone noticed is when I got up to help mabel hold waddles and Gompers in place to take a "honeymoon" photo in front of a picture of a sunset. As I hobbled over there I noticed Ford in my perifaral vision. He was staring like he was studing me to make a journal four or something. As far as I know no one else payed any attention to me. Only when they asked me to get something for them or were talking to me. Mabel noticed the bags under my eyes but she just shrugged it off. Before I knew it Stan was calling us to get dinner. When I was walking to the kitchen I got a pain in my temples that made me stop for a brief second. That second just happens to be the one where mabel came around the corner. "Yo dips you OK?" I manged a nod and kept walking with mabel by my side.

💫Mabel's POV💫

I only just noticed how sleep deprived dipper was as we were walking to the kitchen. The bags under his eyes looked like he got hit in the face with a baseball bat. But only on the bottom of his eyes. As we were walking dipper kept wincing like he was in pain. What kind of pain can you get just walking to the kitchen? When we got to the kitchen I could smell Stan cakes on the plates. Ew, Stan cakes would taste good but every once in a while you get stans hair in a bite. Trust me, you don't want to taste Stan hair. Stan and Ford were already eating their stan cakes when me and dipping sauce came in. I walked to my seat and sat down expecting dipper to be right next to me but he was just standing with his hands on his temples in the doorway. "dipper, you better get them while there hot" Stan said with a mouthful of food. Dipper didn't respond though. He was just standing there. "hellooooooo anyone in there" I said grabbing a stan cake. I looked over at Ford and he was just staring, super deep in thought.
At that moment dipper suddenly calapsed on the floor. "dipper!" we all exclaim at once, running over to dipper. I had dippers head in my arms and felt his forehead. Geez! He was really warm! "what's wrong with dipper?!?" as soon as I said that dipper started to say something that sounded like gibberish. Looking over at Ford he didn't look worried at all. He just looked angry. "Ford! Aren't you the least bit concerned about your nefew that's on the floor having a seizure or something!?" Stan yelled at his brother. As ford was looking in journal 2 for something dipper suddenly sat up and opened his eyes. It was really freaky, his eyes were a bright neon blue. He then became some kind of poet and said"When gravity falls and earth becomes sky fear the beast with just one eye"

📕Fords POV📕

I can't believe that triangle. He has gone way to far with this one. As I was watching dipper through the week I concluded that he was defiantly getting sleep deprived from Bill. What I wanted to know is how did bill affect dipper so badly. When bill was in my dreams he never did anything that a demon wouldn't try to do like play with your mind or try to make a deal. I've never seen this before though. As I heard dipper say those words I instantly thought of the portal. When fiddleford was sucked into the portal for that short time he said something similar. Knowing what was on the other side of the portal, it wasn't good that dipper was saying that. Especially with blue eyes. That means that Bill is probably trying to make a deal with dipper or is trying to take his body. Neither will end good for dipper or us. And I don't want dipper to start traveling the road I followed when I was young. That will most defiantly ruin mabel and dippers relationship. Then he will probably do what I did and keep his mind off things by looking for mysteries. Based on how that ended for me, I wouldn't want anyone to follow my model on how to live life. Unless you want to have your best friend get in a fight with you, go half insane, and dimension jump for thirty years in extremely dangerous conditions. I'm getting ahead of myself though, right now I have to focus on helping dipper.

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