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💫Mabel's POV💫

   It's been at least four hours since dipper had that panic attack or whatever. I am really worried about him. Right now he is in the attic laying on his bed, he still has the creepy blue eyes though. I wonder what happened to him. Ford refused to eat anymore Stan cakes after Stan and I took dipper to our room. The first thing he did was run down to his precious basement. Well, I guess he did that so he could try to help dipper. But he could have at least acted like he was worried when he was upstairs. When Stan finally managed to pry me away from dippers bed we ate Stan cakes in silence and started watching ducktective. Ducktective always has a way of lifting my spirits. Even if it had that lame twist with his twin brother. Could they make that anymore cheesy! After that was over I really wanted to go see if dipper was OK. But as I started walking toward the attic,  gruncle Stan stoped me and said it would be better if I slept down stairs tonight. Knowing that I wouldn't win a argument against a conman I just set up my temporary bed on the floor. Why couldn't gruncle Stan just let me go see dipper? It's not like he is a monster or anything, right? No. Bad mabel, no thinking things like that. But I couldn't help it. All night I thought about how dipper could be a monster when he woke up. With all the thinking I was doing I eventually fell asleep. I was having a really good dream about mermaids and mermando when the sound of shattering glass woke me up. Looking around, nothing seemed to be broken. Then I heard the vending machine open and ford walking really fast towards me. "Mabel, what exactly was that?" "I was about to ask you the same question" Wait, if Ford didn't make the noise then where did it come from? We then looked up because another sound came from the attic. It sounded like... Footsteps.... Only the person who was walking seemed to be having trouble. Me and ford both looked at each other puzzled. Ford slowly started waking toward the stairs, beckoning me to follow. As we slowly made our way up there was another sound of glass shattering. After Ford heard that he started sprinting up the stairs like a mad man. I had to run the fastest I might ever run just to keep behind him. When we finally got to the attic door, ford turned the handle and it wouldn't budge. "Stand Back!" he ordered me. So i stood back while Ford ran into the door sevaral times until it flung open. WhWhat I saw made me shiver. The attic was absolutely trashed, and there was blood on the walls. I couldn't make out what it was, but it didn't look good. Worst of all dipper was missing. All that was left was my bed and the shattered window. Wait, did dipper jump through the window!? Did he completely loose his mind?! Was that his blood on the walls!! My thoughts were interupted by gruncle Stan who somehow slept though the noise and snuck behind us. sleepily he said "Whoa, what did I miss"

  📕Fords POV📕

  Dang it dipper! Why did you have to make that deal! What could that icoselese menace possibly offer you thats better than your own body. Wait a minute,i shouldn't get mad at the kid. He probably got tricked into making that deal. "Ford, can you tell me what the heck is going on! Why did dipper jumped out the window and trashed the attic!" mabel said stripping me out of my thoughts. "Mabel have you ever read about a monster named Bill in my journals?" I couldn't even look at her while saying that.  "You mean that evil Dorito demon who makes deals?" "yes mabel,thats the one. He may have somehow tricked your brother into making a deal and giving his body to bill." "Oh no... " she said blankly. Well, I guess that would be the proper react- "NOT AGAIN!" she suddenly screamed. Wait,  again!? How much did these kids not tell me!? Why didn't dipper tell me before that he made a deal with Bill! "Mabel what do you mean again?" "well dipper,sorta,maybe......madeadealwithbillbefore." man she said that last part fast. But at least she said it. As I was about to reply, suddenly the shack starting shaking. I looked out the broken window to find the prison was in pieces. In the distance I could also see a faint blue glow. Well, at least we know where bill went.

⚠️Bippers POV⚠️

  Man, even though I have only been out of this body for a couple weeks, I must say it's good to fell pain again. After I finally got used to having a body again I jumped out the window. I figured it was the fastest and most painfull way to get out of that horrid shack. Then I went straight to the prison to release my ole'pal Gideon. And I managed to find some fireworks that fez had hidden near that shack. The look on the prisoners faces were priceless! Especially Gideon's. Then they all started flooding out of the wall that I blew up. Well, all except Gideon. He just stood there like a idiot. "Come on Gideon! Aren't you glad you got free!" I couldn't help but taunt him. I think he finally snapped out of it. "well well If it isn't dipper pines, I would say I'm happy to see you,but first I must ask something. What in the devils are you wearing boy?" Oh yeah. I forgot that I changed into that reverend outfit that shooting star had me wear for that sick puppet show. I have to say, she does know how to fashion. "I thought I was going to be under dressed for the occasion! And incase you haven't figured it out with that widdle ole' mind of yours, I'm not pinetree." I think his punny human mind has finally figured it out."Bill cipher! Long time no see. I must also ask though, what exactly happened to dipper pines? I want to get my revenge on him too!" "man you are such a little whinner! Chill out Gideon, I will get revenge on pinetree for both of us. And he is somewhere that he can never escape, and his family can never get to. Now,  let the fun begin....

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