sleepover with the guys part 3/3

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( quick A/N , im sorry i havent updated , there have been some... Uh... Problems with my wattpad.. BUT NOW ITS FIXED AND I CAN PROVIDE THE STORY TO MY STARLIGHTS !!! I LOVE CHU GUYS , NOW ON WITH THE STORY )

(Y/N) Woke up and looked at the clock
"3:06? " she muttered while rubbing her eyes sleepily . she looked around and realized kid , liz , and patty were gone , so she looked at the note they left on the table
Kid: to y/n , we are sorry that the three of us had to leave while you were all asleep , but i had to go home and make sure it was symmetrical again , please dont worry
Sincerely , kid
She sighs and throws the note away then walks to the couch . She sits down and remebers why she woke up nightmares... She sighs and starts to shake as she recals her past , closing her eyes , then she feels an arm wrapped around her . "hm???" She opens her eyes to see ....

( NOPE ! HAH , I GIVE YOU A CLIFF HANGER "ψ(`∇')ψ , put in the comments on who the person with their arm around her should be , choices : blackstar , soul , crona , or a big threat aka . medusa , arachne , or asura) SEE YOU LATER LOVES

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