Meeting Moony

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Werewolf Remus lunged at her as she screamed and backed away from the bed with the boys and Cam. He jumped off the bed and stalked over to them carefully watching their every movement, studying them. He could smell their fear and to him it smelled delicious. He howled in delight.

They backed up closer to the door and Cam had slipped behind James, Sirius, and Scarlet. The two boys looked more serious than Scarlet had ever seen them. They had their arms out protecting Cam and Scarlet could see a slight movement as Sirius reached for his wand. She must not have been the only one to notice as Werewolf Remus had quickly turned to Sirius and was walking toward him, claws up, ready to strike. Scarlet knew she had to do something or someone was going to get hurt. She hadn't even thought about what she was doing, but suddenly she realized she had moved to the other side of the room, wand in hand.

"Get away from them!" She yelled at Werewolf Remus who turned and came towards her. "You don't want to hurt anyone." She gestured for Sirius and James to get out with Cam and Peter hoping they knew she was trying to buy them time. They backed to the door slowly and pushed Cam and Peter through, whispering something to Peter who nodded and grabbed Cam's hand leading her out of sight and, presumably, out of the Shrieking Shack. Scarlet looked at the two horrified that they hadn't left with them. Did they not understand how dangerous this was? Both boys now had wands in hand. Sirius was by the door while James was by the bed again across from Scarlet.

"What in Merlin's beard are you doing?!" Scarlet scolded them. Werewolf Remus had gone to the center of the little triangle to apparently decide who to eat first.

"Well, we can't leave you here alone now, can we?" Sirius said with a smirk.

"And how could we let a Hufflepuff show us Gryffindor's up?" James replied as a smile spread across his face. As he said it Sirius picked up a small piece of wood that looked like it had been peeled from the floor and threw it near Werewolf Remus careful not to hit him.

"Here Moony! Come here boy!" Sirius yelled it like he was calling a lost puppy. 'Moony,' as Sirius called him, stalked up to Sirius and lunged at him. As he was about to strike, James threw another piece of wood near him.

"No over here!" James yelled and 'Moony' followed doing just as he had done to Sirius, but this time Scarlet pointed her wand making sparks appear. He got destructed again and came towards her. His muzzle snapped so close to her face the she could feel his breath and hear the snarl. She had closed her eyes and heard Sirius yell.

"REMUS NO!" The sudden noise shocked him and in stead of biting Scarlet he slashed her with his claws as he turned now very angry at them for delaying his meal.

"SCARLET!" She heard the boys yell simultaneously as she collapsed to the floor. Werewolf Remus had slashed her stomach and she could now see the blood from the wound. There was a lot. She was too speechless to scream. She just lay there on the floor silent tears rolling down her cheeks her eyes wide in more surprise than fear. She was frozen and helpless, the only thing she could do was watch as the boys tried to get around Werewolf Remus to help her. Even that was becoming impossible as her vision was blurring and going black at the edges. She just wanted to sleep.

"DON'T YOU DARE GO TO SLEEP, SCARLET ZAPRA!" That's the first time she had heard any of her friends use her last name. She tried very hard to stay awake for them, but it was becoming increasingly hard as the dark was threatening to take her vision away.

She heard yelling followed by a loud thump on the ground as a blur of grey landed in front of her. She heard foot steps coming and saw two blobs crouch next to her as her vision went completely black.

James and Sirius ran over to Scarlet. They looked at each other with a "what do we do?" look and each slung one of Scarlet's arms around there shoulders as neither of them would be able to carry her down the stairs without falling. As they started walking her head fell on Sirius' shoulder and her legs dragged behind her making it only slightly more difficult to move her. They walked carefully out of the room, down the steps, and out of the Shrieking Shack to find Cam pacing about the outskirts of the tree casting the occasional look at the tunnel and then to the castle and Peter sitting on the ground constantly looking at the tree as well.

When the three emerged Cam and Peter ran to them immediately with looks of relief until they saw Scarlet. They helped lay her down at the outskirts of the Whomping Willow.

"We have to get her to the hospital wing!" Cam exclaimed.

"But then they'll know we came here tonight." Peter looked worried for both Scarlet and the detention they were sure to get.

"My mum might have packed me some Dittany." James suggested. Cam looked at him strangely. She had no clue what Dittany was or how it was supposed to help their friend, but Sirius and Peter both nodded. James pulled out his wand.

"Accio Dittany!" He said clearly and soon enough a small bottle of liquid came flying through the air to them. James caught it and looked at Cam gesturing to Scarlet's shirt with a hesitant expression. Peter and Sirius sat there uncomfortably, looking away.

"Oh!" Cam said as she finally realized what they wanted her to do. She carefully lifted Scarlet's shirt only far enough to show the entire cut. James unscrewed the little bottle and dropped a few drops onto the cut which looked really bad and deep. As Cam watched, the gash began to heal itself. She still hadn't totally gotten used magic yet. She had grown up with her muggle parents thinking it was a bunch of awesome parlor tricks and then she got her letter. She still didn't quite believe it.

Cam suddenly heard a gasp that pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked to see Scarlet sitting straight up in the grass, eyes open wide and breathing heavily.

"What happened? Is everyone ok? You didn't hurt him did you?" Scarlet rushed out the words and looked around, landing her gaze on the two black haired boys.

"You passed out after he clawed you and we both stupified him at the same time in order to get to you." Sirius said as he hugged Scarlet.

"And everyone's fine. Well, I think so anyway. Are you ok?" James asked hugging her when Sirius was done.

"I'm fine," she said touching her stomach. The gash had healed, but there was undoubtedly a scar, that she would have to somehow explain to her parents,  and it was really sore. "What about Remus?" She asked remembering the thud she had heard before she passed out. "He's not hurt right?"

"If what you guys say is true and you only stupified him, he should be fine and the spell will were off eventually." Cam replied hugging Scarlet when James had let go of her. 

Scarlet looked relieved and then confused. "How did you heal me?" She asked curiously.

"Dittany." Peter said simply as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. He hugged her as well.

"We'll have to see Remus tomorrow. He was worried sick about us and he has to know that we're okay." James reasoned with a worried expression on his face. He looked again at Scarlet, he now knew she was way tougher than she looked, yet he was still worried. She had come really close to dying. What would have happened had his mum not worried about him so much and not packed the Dittany? For now, though, he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind and stood as the others did the same.

"We should get back before someone notices we've gone." Cam said, helping Scarlet to her feet. She still looked like she was in pain, and why wouldn't she? She did just come very close to getting eaten by a werewolf, not that she blamed Remus at all! After all they researched about them how could she? She knew very well Remus was not in control of his actions.

"Yeah," Peter agreed, "we should go." They all headed towards the castle and as they reached the doors they heard a very loud howl.

"Remus," Scarlet whispered as she looked back at the Whomping Willow. "We're going to help you." She promised. She felt a steady hand on her shoulder. Sirius was standing behind her, though she wasn't sure he had heard what she said, he gave her an encouraging smile.

Hey guys so this is the first little side note thing I've done so bear with me. :)

I wanted to tell you guys thanks for reading and that I'm going to be really busy soon because of school :( and I might not be able to post as much which, I'm sure you're probably used to because of my long absence not to long ago. (Sorry about that btw) But I will be trying my best to get things out there as fast as possible and to the best of my ability. Thanks guys! :)


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