Scarlet Zapra

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Scarlet Zapra was indeed a witch, the letter she read proved it. It was her Hogwarts acceptance letter. As she read it her chocolate brown eyes gleamed with joy and her red hair bounced up and down as she jumped around the kitchen at breakfast.

"It's finally here! It finally came!" she squealed at her sister, Faith, and her father, John Zapra.

"What did?" Scarlet's dad asked, confused. Being a muggle, he didn't know much about the wizarding world apart from what his daughters and now ex-wife, Violet, had told him. Violet being a witch, meant that she took the girls many times to the wizarding world.

"My Hogwarts letter!" The little red-headed girl exclaimed. "Only the letter I've been waiting eleven years for!"

"That means I'll get to see you this year. I can show you the ropes at Hogwarts." Faith said. Faith was going into her fifth year at Hogwarts and had been elected a prefect for Ravenclaw. "I hope you get into Ravenclaw so we'll be able to see each other often. We could study together!" Faith said happily. She was really smart and Scarlet was too. Scarlet wasn't too fond of the idea of being a Ravenclaw though. She didn't think that "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

"Yeah, that would be great." she tried to sound as happy as possible, but she knew she just didn't belong in Ravenclaw. She also knew, however, that it would make her sister so happy though.

She finished her breakfast and went to pack, readying to leave for her mum's house since it was her week. She would be by in a little bit to pick them up. Scarlet was so excited to tell her mum about the letter she could hardly wait.

Soon enough her mum Disapparated into the living room with a loud pop. Violet Wicker, Scarlet and Faith's mum, was a Ravenclaw when she attended Hogwarts and was very proud when Faith turned out to be one too and had always said she was sure Scarlet would be one as well. As Scarlet showed her mum the letter, Violet beamed giving the young girl a hug. "That's great dear! I know you'll be fine and do your best. I expect you'll be in Ravenclaw just like me and your sister with how smart you are." She smiled at her youngest daughter.

"Yeah." Scarlet put on a fake smile which seemed to fool her mum and sister, but not her dad.

"Scarlet, can I talk to you for a second before you all head out?" he asked her.

"Sure, Dad, what about?" he pulled her off to the side where her mum and sister wouldn't be able to hear as they were talking about something else in the other room.

"I may be a muggle, but I don't have to know magic to tell when you're unhappy. You don't want to be in Ravenclaw do you?" he looked her in the eyes and knelt down so he would be level with her face. "It doesn't matter what house you go into, honey, either way, they will still be proud of you." he indicated the two in the other room. "And I'll be proud of you too." He added and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks, dad." she smiled, hugging him and then kissing him on the cheek. She then went, grabbed her things, and held her mum's hand, ready to Apparate. Faith grabbed their mum's other hand and both girls smiled saying their goodbye's to their dad before the familiar sensation of Apparition come over them.

Their mum's house, the Wicker Mansion, was fairly big as it was passed down from generation to generation within their family. Along with the manor, their grandparents left them a small house-elf named Brownie. Brownie was a pretty young house-elf with big doe eyes and a pillowcase pulled over her like a dress. She was a nice house elf and loved Scarlet, Faith, and their mum. "Brownie welcomes you home mistress'," she said giving a polite curtsy. "Would you like Brownie to take your bags to your rooms mistress'?" she asked.

"Yes please," Faith said handing her bags to Brownie. Brownie took them.

"And you Mistress Scarlet?" She asked.

"No, I can get it. Thank you, though, Brownie." she smiled at the house elf.

"Always so kind to Brownie! If there's anything Brownie can do just tell Brownie!" she exclaimed eyes welling with happy tears.

"It's nothing to cry over," Scarlet said hastily.

"Brownie will take your bags now, Mistress Faith," Brownie said, grabbing Faith's bags and Disapparating with a snap to her room. The older girl went to the kitchen to grab a snack before going up to unpack. 

Violet looked at Scarlet, placing a hand on her shoulder to get the young girl's attention. "We'll go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get your school supplies, okay?" Scarlet smiled at her mum and nodded excitedly before grabbing her bags and heading up to her room. When she got there, she flopped on her bed and let out a sigh.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" she squealed a bit, then decided to grab her favorite book 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard.' she flipped to a marked page that she was all too familiar with and started reading 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' it was her all-time favorite story.

After a while, her mom called them for dinner and they spent it talking all about Hogwarts and what might happen while Scarlet was there, as well as, what things she should expect, like teachers and Houses. After dinner, they all went to bed, ready to go to Diagon Alley in the morning.

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