Thinking Backwards

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Remus was asleep in the hospital wing when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Remus? Get up!" He woke with a jolt and stared at the faces before him. Scarlet, her fiery red hair pulled into a messy side braid, her bangs hanging in her face as she leaned over him. Cam, her black hair neatly brushed and hanging around her shoulders. James, Sirius, and Peter on the other side of the bed all of whom looked winded. They must have run here from somewhere, but he had no clue where or what time it was. Though, by the way the sunlight was coming in through the window, he suspected it was around noon. "How you doing mate?" Scarlet asked, trying and failing to brush the bangs from her face as he sat up to face them all.

"Been better." He admitted. He looked around the room that had become increasingly familiar to the eleven year old boy. "What are you all doing here?" Remus said remembering how he tried, and apparently failed, to get them out of the Whomping Willow the night before. A feeling of guilt washed over him then. He remembered what his mum had told him about going to Hogwarts, "You must remember to not let anyone near you on full moons Remus, it could be very dangerous for them."  She had told him. He had thought that would be an easy task, but apparently he had underestimated his friends and now they would hate him forever for it.

"We came to see you. And to bring you your homework." Cam replied and put a stack of parchment and books on his bed side table with a quill and ink. Remus was confused. They didn't seem to hate him at all. They were actually being very nice to him, but why?

"Why?" Remus asked nervously as he began to mess with the hem of the quilt that covered his legs. They looked taken aback.

"Why?" James repeated with a confused look on his face. "Well, because you're our mate." He stated as matter-of-fact. Now it was Remus' turned to be confused. Never in his whole life had Remus had friends. Well, ones that didn't mind his lycanthropy. Normally, when people found out about it they would say mean and harsh things to him and he never saw them again. His dad was one of those people too. He walked out on him and his mother about a week after Remus's first full moon. He had called a six year old Remus a monster and spat at him before closing the front door and never coming back. He remembered his mother holding him as he stood in the entry way shocked beyond belief that his father had just walked out that door. He had never cried for some reason. Maybe the six year old Remus still believed deep down that he would come back, but now that he was older he knew it would never happen. And now there were these five.

"That's not right," Remus said mostly to himself. "You're supposed to be terrified. You're supposed to not like me anymore," he looked down at the quilt he had been idly messing with and his voice started to waver. "You're supposed to hate me because I'm a monster." He finished sadly. Remus felt on the verge of tears, this was it. This was going to be when the only friends he had ever had left him like everyone else did.

The five stared at each other in disbelief. Remus, one of the smartest and most optimistic people they had ever known, looked totally defeated. He wasn't even looking at them anymore.
"No." Scarlet said happily. "You're wrong." She smiled at him and plopped onto the bed. He looked up shocked. Had she just told him he was wrong? "Remus, you know you're bloody amazing right?" Remus continued to stare at her in disbelief. What was she saying to him?

"She's right mate." Sirius stated smiling. "You're going to have to deal with it." Remus looked around the room at the five of them. Did he hear what he think he heard? Remus looked at James who shrugged at him.

"You fold your socks Remus, forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you." James replied. Remus then cracked a smile and soon after burst out laughing. Then everyone was laughing. Remus had friends and to him it was the most backwards and hilarious thing at the moment.


I know this is a short chapter but I'll hopefully be updating again really soon, but I am back in school now and unfortunately that comes with lots of homework. Lol wish me luck.


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