It's on, Cavanaugh.

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** Three months after Ali went missing **

"Algeria, I'm sure the second largest country in Africa is Algeria, please tell me its Algeria, Aria."
"Spencer, calm down. Yes, it's Algeria."
"I'm sure the largest country in Africa is Turkey, isn't it." Hanna questions, in the...unique way Hanna does.
"No, Hanna, Turkey isn't even in Africa. Aria, come on give me another question."
"I can't, Spence, that was the last question."
What? No, it can't be.
"No, Hanna, can you look under those world books? Aria, I 100% gave you 121 flashcards, why did you only ask 119?"
"Spencer," Hanna whines. "It's, like, midnight. Why do you have to revise so much? We know you know everything, nerd."
I flinch.


That was the name Ali gave me, well, when she was here.
The girls don't know that though, we only became friends until after she went missing. It was like a healing mechanism, we all helped each other heal. The girls who were closest to the bitch herself became friends. Being friends with Ali was a spot that was well coveted by everyone in Rosewood. But if people knew how much of a lying, deceitful bitch she was, everyone would stay far away. They didn't know though, or they were oblivious to her deathly charm, people were drawn to her like moths to a flame. Nerd. Hefty. Loser. Gayrons. Hermie. Pig Skin.

"Hanna-" I start, losing my temper after what she called me.
"Spencer, stop, she's sorry. You're sorry aren't you, Hanna." Aria reassures.
"Sorry, Spence. I guess I forgot that word had.. you know, meaning." She bites her lip and smiles softly.
"How can I be mad at my Hanna banana," I squeeze her into a hug, pulling Aria in too. "But if you're not going to help me revise, you need to leave." We all start giggling and its one of the most happiest I've been in the last few months, after that night.

I'm still here, revising, a few hours after the girls leave. But I still don't know enough. My school work has been at the bottom of my priority list, remembering to eat, drink and work out was at the top. It's easy how I can forget to eat in a day.

I need to ace this test.

I'm just going to have to stay up all night. I close my eyes. No, Spencer, no sleeping. Going to grab a pen, I see it out of the corner of my eye. My way out. My help.

The slim orange bottle which can affect my future in either way, depending on how I do it. Suddenly, I'm running to the bottle and the pills are down my throat in less than a second.

I shouldn't but oh God I have to.


Walking into the classroom I see a half empty class. Guess most people decided to ditch World class today. I sit in my usual space and get ready, yawning.

A large dark shadow looms over me, looking up I see bright blue eyes and dark blond/brown hair. After a few seconds, he scowls, curling his lip.
"Move your chair, I need to sit down."
"Maybe you could be nice about it and I'd feel more inclined to do things that you demand."
His scowl turns into a smirk. It reminds me of Alison's.
"Oh so you're nerdy Spencer. Hi, I'm Toby, Toby Cavanaugh. They told me to watch myself around you."
I don't ask who 'they' are but I do frown slightly.
"What is that supposed to mean?!"
He just smirks again and shrugs, sitting at his desk.

I always thought the devils name was Alison but maybe the job was renewed when she died.

Maybe the devil is now called Toby.

Nevertheless, I aced the test. Maybe I need to use my little orange-bottle tactic a little more.

At lunch I tell the girls what happened with Toby. They all look down at their food like its the most interesting thing ever.
"Guys! Please tell me I'm not hard to approach or anything like that!"
"Well.. kind of..."
"I mean, slightly..."
"Guys!" I sigh.
"Sorry, Spencer. Anyway how did the test go? I'm sure you came top of the class, as usual."
"As a Hastings, that's the least we expect." I mumble, rolling my eyes.


However, I did not get top of the class.
"So the highest in the class with 98% was Toby Cavanaugh." Mr Finchley says in his usual morose way.



Toby Cavanaugh. The annoying, rude guy.

When we go to leave the classroom, me still in shock my chin practically on the floor he smirks his Ali smirk and laughs lifting his hand beneath my chin to close my mouth.

"Sorry, Spencer, looks like your not top of every class anymore."

"Oh just you wait, Math tomorrow, it's on Cavanaugh." I snarl back.

"Bring it, Hastings."

We turn and walk in opposite directions. Orange bottle friend, I'm coming for you.

A/N: hopefully you enjoy this story so far, I know it's mean to be a spoby and they hate each other right now but the romance is on its way! :) btw, taking pills, like Spencer is doing I do not agree with as its unsafe, its just very Spencer so I had to add it.
Comment, vote, all that jazz if you liked it.
Love you all <3

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