Goodbye Agony

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*Andy's pov* 

"You did what?!" 

I covered my ears as the lady in front of me screeched. 

"I-" I cleared my throat, trying to sound more confident. "I sent him a dm" 

A look and fingers tapping on the table. The disapproving silence was much much worse than your PR's surprised screaming. 

"Well? Will you say something" I said looking her in the eye. 

"Is there anything left to say?! What are you trying to do, Andy? Ruin your career?!" 

According to her, even if I tied my shoelaces different that could end my career in music. This though, seemed to have an implication that was beyond my immediate understanding. I sighed, "Would you explain me how that could happen?" 

She blinked her mascara filled eyelashes now, her expression was a mix of utter annoyance and obvious condescendation. "Please" I added to the silent reaction. 

My expected slow answer was actually an almost shouting, loud rant but all I could do was now listen. 

"You can't just do that, Andy! What's up with your senses?! You replied to a youtuber! A guy who makes videos and made videos on you and your beloved band! And you went ahead and replied to him! What do part do you not understand, Andrew Dennis Biersack?!" 

"Um" I started, "D-do, I- I mean are you even, err hearing yourself?" 

She took a breath now, like a dragon ready to exhale fire again. I'm going to call her Agony from now on, maybe when I leave and say "Goodbye Agony" she'll get the joke and laugh a bit. 

"I mean, Andy" she started more calmly now, "He's Onision, honey. Yes, he's just a youtuber but he's not very, well liked, you know what I'm saying?" She took a relaxed breath again, "Like, what if you lose people from your fanbase?" 

He's just a youtuber, I turned that thought in my mind a couple of times. I didn't like it. 

"I think our army's better than that." I waited for a bit, "His video wasn't that bad though." I said silently and hurriedly added "And it was sort of a promotion, he did say some nice things. A thank you was in order" to make it look that I meant business. I could feel my cheeks getting  a bit warm and hope it didn't show. Dammit, Andy. 

I knew she wanted to say that my Twitter privileges needed to revoked.

She exhaled now, "Fine, Andrew. You know what's best for you." She patted my arm and then checked the clock. 3:00 it said and I found it the perfect opportunity to head on home to Juliet. I thanked her and said bye. I'll left the Goodbye Agony joke for some other time. 


*Greg's pov* 

It had been a week since that weird night happened. It had taken me two to three days to recover. Lainey helped me a lot but sometimes all you need is a bit of time. 

And then there was the message. The dm from Andy Biersack. 

I was still a fan of him, nothing changed and it was human decency to reply to him but it had been a week now and what would I say???? Thanks, buddy?! Yo okay?? 

I had no idea or the reason,  the slightest reason but it baffled me so much. I have a comeback for everything. Whether it improv on a video, replying to a tweet or talking to haters on livestream, I always know what to say but nothing had seemed this real before, nothing had seemed to matter to me this much as this one message did. I was completely lost in what to do or what to say. Maybe I should ask Lainey? That seemed the best idea right now. 

I signed in to Twitter, opened the dm on my screen and went to my wife to get a solution. 

"Hey Lainey?" I said in a low voice. 

She raised her blond head from her desk, I could see she was tired from studying. "Yeah, Greg?" she replied in a sweet and concerned voice. 

"I kinda need your help with something.." I said now sheepishly. 

She turned to me and patted the seat next to her and I sat on cue. I turned the laptop to her and saw her expression turn to a wide smile, "This is so great, honey!" she said to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, I now felt happy. There was just some satisfaction is sharing your happiness with a loved one and then seeing them being happy for you and joining in the joy. I kissed her cheek then and said I love you, she said it back and we looked at the screen again. 

"So... should I reply to him?" I ask timidly. 

"Well of course!" Lainey said, "A week late reply," she said looking at the date and time "is still a reply" 

I could feel myself being an eager and nervous fangirl now. 

"So what should I say?" I said. 

"How about saying thanks and that's all chill. You want seem all cool you know" she raised her hand and made a face at the word "cool" it made me laugh a little, I could talk to Lainey forever. 

But suddenly, out of nowhere Andy's face flashed in my mind too. It was really odd, I shook off the feeling and went on to type out the message. I looked at my wife for approval once I was done and then hit send. 

"Look at my husband!" Lainey said, "Replying to hot singers' messages on Twitter. I am proud of you, Greg Jackson." we laughed about it and started talking about trivial things like the weather and Shane Dawson's new video. 

Somewhere in the conversation my phone made a notification sound, Andy had tweeted something. Lainey leaned and looked. "Hey, Andy or no Andy, you're still mine though." she said pointing a finger and pouting. 

"Well of course, Lainey! Me and my penina!" I said sticking out my chest, like my character Rod. 

Somewhere in my mind, I doubted my words. 


Hope you liked the chapter , comment and vote if you like ^~^

and remember, you just keep being you :3

You Should Be Illegal (Onision x Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now