Im in Love with a blond Idiot! CHAPTER 1

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It was June 13, and the hottest it had ever been in Dublin. I was running a kissing booth at the summer carnival (worst booth ever) and trying to get through the day. Thankfully I hadn't had many "costomers" so far.

"Hey beautiful"a boy, around 18, came up to the booth and handed me two dollars. I sighed and glanced down to the pricing board.

1$ ---- cheek

2$ ---- lips

50¢--- I'll spit on you

"Oh god" I whispered to myself. He looked at me quizzically.

"Nothing, lets get this over with" I rolled my eyes and pecked the black haired boy on his chapped lips. I smiled sarcastically and shoved the money in my money box.

"Is that all I get!?" He asked teasingly

"Get out of here!!!" I yelled, turning the open sign on the table to closed. Finally, I'm done. I only earned 30 bucks but hey, better than nothing. I packed up my things and started walking across the street to my bike. It was only 6:00, so I decided to go out for some food. I hopped on my bike and rode down to The Dubliner pub for some dinner. I parked my bike next to a lamppost and walked inside. A woman wearing way to much makeup walked up to me holding a pad of paper and a pen.

"What do you want "she asked, raising her eyebrows at me. Touchy.

" Um, I'll have the potato soup and a coke please." I said smiling, attempting to brighten her mood. I failed.

" kk " she sighed and flipped her hair, walking away from the table. I am just having bad luck with people today.I sat there in silence for about 20 minutes when she came back with my soup. She then handed me a beer and

left. Not what I ordered. I really think people are out to get me today. I spooned some of the white liquid in my mouth and gagged. I don't know what that is, but its definatly not potato. I sighed and decided to leave, tipping my waitress very poorly. Pulling on my sweatshirt I pushed my way through the crowd of people and stepped out into the street. It was tipping. I rolled my eyes at all the bad luck I was having today and walked over to where my bike was parked. I looked around as well as I could through the rain and realised that my bike wasn't there.Great, just to add to my luck. I sighed and brought my palm to my forehead. Walking home in the rain;this should be fun. I shoved my hands in my pockets and started down the road. It was pretty deserted other than a few drunkards. I shuffled along until I heard someone come up beside me.

"Hi" he said smiling. I smiled back, a bit skeptical.


"Why are you walking all alone out here in the rain? Oh my god sorry, that sounded really creepy" he said shoving his hands through his soggy hair. It was then I realised who blondie here was. Niall Horan from One Direction. I smirked to myself. I was kinda a fan.

" you're Niall Horan aren't you?" I asked turning to face him. He nodded.


"How come you don't have security and stuff?"

"I'm on vacation from tour and such. The boys and I are just hanging out around Ireland and England."

We were pretty close to my house and it was raining even harder now.

"Well, guess I'll see ya around." I said smiling. He was really nice, and he seemed like he would be a good friend.

" yeah, guess so" he replied nodding. I smiled and walked toward my porch.

"Hey, what's your name? If, if you don't mind me asking." He asked shyly.

"Emma" I yelled through the rain. He smiled.

"Emma" he repeated as if trying it out.

"I'll see you" he repeated. I did a small wave and walked into my house. Time to go tell my BFFL Ally I fulfilled her kissing booth dare. I dropped my things and ran up to my room. Opening the window and crossing the board that connected our rooms. She was waiting for me on her bed.

" Well, I did the dare" I stated, pleased with myself.

" YOU DID!!!!!" Ally exclaimed doing an overexaggerated fist pump.

" Well, I don't lie" I said matter of factly.

" Anyway, who's the dude" she asked throwing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. I looked at her confused.

" What are you on about?"

" Who were you talking to like out in the rain a minute ago?" Oh my God. I didn't realise that she had probably been watching that whole thing. I really need to pay more attention...

" Um... Niall Horan" I said, my reply sounding more like a question than an answer.

She looked at me wide eyed for a few seconds. I explained how we met and how I thought he was really cool. I was actually pretty happy, but not because he was a pop star, just because we get along really well.

"So did you get his number?!" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

" It's not like that, we're just buddies, friends, chums, whatever " I defeanded myself.

" Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go put on some dryer clothes" I stated gesturing to my soaking wet shirt.

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