Chapter Two

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The rest of the school day flew by rapidly, luckily with no other disruptions from from the spirit of the ring.

Ryou was currently trekking home from school, earbuds in ears, hands in the pockets of his school trousers, as his alabaster hair flowed behind him.

Right now "Whisper" by Evanescence was blasting into his eardrums as he quietly

hummed along.

As he passed the iron park gates, he contemplated taking a detour through, but decided

against it seeing that the sun's rays were hidden by ever so slowly moving grey clouds that seemed to grow darker across the horizon.

It was strange that there were no disturbances from Bakura what so ever. In fact

seemed eerily suspicious. It felt wrong, Bakura almost never left him alone for more than a few hours.

He could tell something bad would happen, and Ryou knew it was inevitable, for he could only escape Bakura as well as he could escape his shadow. Or himself.

He barely even knew who he truly was anymore, it was as if someone had cut the real him out of his soul, leaving only the sadness and depression behind.

Sure he still had his 'friends' but they couldn't save him, they didn't even know what was going on. They are fools, ignorant naive fools.

Besides, how could one be saved from himself?

Arriving at his navy blue front door, he retrieved his key from his left pocket, and unlocked the door, stepping in.

Removing his shoes he approached the stairs, heading up to change from his torn uniform.

Moving to his door he reached out, twisting the knob, then pushed the door open, stepping into his pale-blue bedroom.

Heading over to his closet, he pulled out his favorite blue and white striped tee-shirt off of its hanger. Walking over to the off-white dresser, he opened up the bottom drawer, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans and then walking over to the bed.

Ryou pulled off his tattered jacket and removed his trousers. He slipped on his shirt, then proceeded to pull on his jeans.

He walked over to his desk and sat down, opening up his laptop and pressed the power button. He sat down at the chair and watched the black screen glow to life as the windows symbol appeared on the it. Once the login screen appeared he typed in his password and hit enter.

Opening google chrome he quickly pulled up the school's website and ordered a new jacket for his uniform.

Once he finished, he closed his laptop and started to head back down the stairs to grab a quick snack before doing his homework, only to freeze in his tracks when he felt it.

It started out as a faint tug in the back of his mind, but as it increased to a pounding headache, he felt his control slipping away with his consciousness.

Rapidly as he could in his current state he ran down the rest of the stairs to avoid tumbling down them and  just as he reached the bottom his vision went black as he collapsed onto the ground.

A/N Sorry it was short, and kinda boring, being a filler chapter and all, but I promise to have more up in the next few days.

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