Chapter Six

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Warm blood seeped through the fingers of his hand that clutched his eye, his hand shaking as his other eye was wide in utter horror.  His whole body quivered in anguish, though all the while, Bakura just stood there, watching mercilessly as he suffered.
    Ryou's mind was fuzzy, hazed by the pain that was overwhelming his senses, dark spots clouding over the vision of his untouched eye.  He tried to blink them away, yet they only increased in numbers, their omnipresence beginning to further impair his vision. From the small fragments he could see, the room was spinning around him.
    He tried sitting upright, hoping his vision would clear up, though it only sent a wave of nausea over him. He could feel bile rising in his throat, and he leaned over, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the bloodied floor. He could still hear Bakura's haunting laughter ringing in his ears.
    He felt dizzy, his consciousness was slowly leaving him, though he fought with all his will to stay awake, knowing if he gave into the lulls of nothingness, he would most likely never leave that nothingness. No matter what happened, he didn't want to die yet. He wasn't ready to die.
The room around him flashed black, and he swore he could hear the faint ticking of a clock haunting the rheo-silence. Though the only clock he had in the room was digital and it made no sound. The most eerie aspect was that Bakura's laughing had abruptly stopped, leaving only ticking in the darkness. He was confused at why he couldn't hear Bakura laughing. Ryou wondered if he had passed out. "What if this is death?" He asked himself, worried it could quite be true. It seemed entirely possible, no matter how much Ryou wanted to obstinate the idea.  Before he could hear the heavy pounding of his heartbeat, though in this, he couldn't. With each second that passed, the silence deluded him more to those lies. Finally the vision of his one eye cleared again,and with it the heavy pounding of his heart is his throat bombarded his ears, though it was outweighed by Bakura's  cruel, detrimental laughter.
He didn't understand what had just happened. "Why would everything just go black like that?" He asked himself. Something felt off, but he couldn't entirely put his finger on it.
    The pain in his eye had somehow been dulled after those moments of black, a feeling similar to when numbed, yet it still had an ebbing painful prickle. It was now hardly enough to even bother him.That was what confused him the most. He still couldn't see out of his mangled eye, and he could still feel the blood, so why couldn't he feel the pain?
Bakura's laughing stopped again, the blackness returning for a few seconds, feeling as though time had frozen. Ryou blinked at the darkness, glancing around, trying to untangle his jumbled thoughts. When the darkness flashed away, Bakura's noxious laughter was directly assaulting him. Ryou's eye shot open, and he let out a whimper as he saw Bakura looming over him, an inimical gleam in his eyes.
"I'll give you one last chance," Bakura sneered deleteriously. "Obey me.. Or die." A conceited smirk graced his face, as he stared down at the pathetic human cowering beside him.
Ryou shook his head, frowning. He didn't want to obey Bakura, he simply wanted to be left alone. He continued to wallow in self-pity, until he was broken out of his thoughts as Bakura cleared his throat. "So what will it be?" Ryou hadn't noticed this until now, but in Bakura's hand was one of Ryou's kitchen knives, the sharpest one at that.
Ryou looked down, forlorn by the situation. The world really did hate him. He supposed he wasn't allowed to be happy. It was either go with whatever Bakura said, or take the easy way out, and die. But Ryou refused to be a coward and simply give up. No, he was too recalcitrant to take the easy way. He would fight death forever if he had to. 
    It was the one thing he and Bakura had in common.

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