Chapter 8 (The real one)

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Only it hadn't been a nightmare.

It had been real. 

Though Ryou didn't know this, of course. If he had gotten out of bed, and took a glance into the mirror, he would have noticed that the pupil of the eye Bakura had stabbed in his 'nightmare' had turned a deep violet-blue colour. He would have seen a faint outline of dried blood that delineated where the blood had dripped down his face. Though since he remained in bed, he didn't, and never would notice it, as the signs of his simul-paramnesia began to fade away as if by magic. Maybe if he'd been paying attention to his surroundings, instead of trying to drown his self fears in his cocoon of blankets, he'd have noticed the preying eyes watching him.

He continued to lay in bed for awhile, though found himself unable to fall back asleep, plagued by worry. He was thankful it was Saturday, not in the mood to deal with school. If it had been a school day, he would have just skipped it.

Eventually, he peeled the blankets off himself and pulled himself out of bed, tired of sitting there sleeplessly. Not bothering to get dressed, he headed out of his room, passing the mirror, he stole a glance at it. Nothing was out of the ordinary, though he swore he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. He shrugged it off, that he mind was just playing tricks on him.

He headed downstairs, and into the kitchen, glancing at the clock to see what time it was, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw the number displayed was 3:43. There was no way that was correct, he thought as he glanced out the window, seeing the sun was only rising now.

He sighed, figuring the battery in it had died, not seeing anything out of the ordinary as he took out a bowl from the cabinet. He set it down on the table after grabbing a spoon as well, before heading over to the pantry to grab a box of cereal. Pouring some into the bowl, he grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring it in as well, before sitting down.

Ryou picked up his spoon, and took a bite of it, though frowned slightly when he found that the cereal tasted duller than it normally tasted, almost completely bland. Even though he didn't like it's bland taste, he continued to eat it anyway, though soon set down his fork, and poured the rest down the drain. Glancing back at the clock, he saw it had moved, though the time was anything but correct. 6:25. There was no way that much time had passed.

Ryou was beginning to suspect something was off, though didn't think much of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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