Chapter Five

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The end of the chapter gets kind of gory, so just a warning.

Bakura let go of his chin, and moved his hand up a bit more, ruffling Ryou's hair in a similar fashion to how someone would do to a dog. "Good Yadonushi.."

    Ryou tried to move his head away from the touch, through Bakura only snarled, and roughly tugged at his milky hair. "That is no way to act when I praise you," He hissed in a spiteful voice, narrowing his merciless rusty sepia eyes. "You should be grateful I even bother with you at all useless. I could just lock you away in your soul room forever. Now that would be nice, wouldn't it Yadonushi?" he asked in a lullingly bittersweet tone.
    A slight frown came upon Ryou's face, and he looked down wordlessly, though his gaze had never strayed from the ground except for when Bakura had forced their eyes to meet. A rancorous growl rippled in Bakura's throat as he took Ryou's silence as a direct infraction, which of course, he would be punished for. "ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION," Bakura bellowed lowly, abruptly slapping him at the same spot he had minutes before.
    Ryou whimpered as Bakura's hand met with his already sensitive cheek, the stinging pain returning at full force. "No.. I guess it wouldn't.." he mumbled softly, his voice hardly audible to Bakura at all.
    Ryou began to space out slightly in thought, contemplating what was going on. He didn't understand how Bakura was here. He thought Bakura could only use him as a vessel, nothing more. Often, Ryou had tried to convince himself that Bakura didn't exist, that his was only a figment of his imagination, relying only on the fact that he never actually saw Bakura as proof.  At times he had convinced himself he had gone insane, and had almost fooled himself into believing it. It was at times like these that he wished that it were the truth.
    He didn't understand why Bakura was doing any of this, other than the fact he was a heartless bastard. Bakura certainly couldn't possibly gain anything from this now could he? Though now, lost within his thoughts, reality was temporarily blocked out from him, Ryou missing Bakura's next remark.
    "See? Was that all that hard Yadonushi?" Bakura asked mockingly, with a slight jeer, though his face fell into a frown when he received no response from Ryou. Bakura looked at him more closely, his frown deepening as he noticed the boy's blank expression. "PAY ATTENTION WHEN I TALK," Bakura spat at him menacingly.
    "That's it," Bakura said dryly as he was still met with nothing from Ryou, other than silence. He raised his hand slightly, ghosting it near Ryou's head, brushing Ryou's hair away from his eyes, though Ryou didn't seem to notice. He extended his pointer finger towards Ryou's face with a sickeningly malevolent smirk. His nails were sharp enough to cut through skin, nearing being able to be considered claws.
    Bakura chuckled sadisticly as he drove his finger forth, jabbing it slightly into the soft surface of Ryou's eye. His sharp nail sank into Ryou's eye as he forced his finger further into his eye, his smirk widening. Soon, he pulled his finger out of Ryou's eye, waiting for his reaction. He had chosen Ryou's left eye to be the victim, it already having had the worse vision of the two eyes. After all, he still needed to use Ryou's body, so what good would it do if he could hardly see?
    Ryou yelped as he was met with pain, snapping out of his tranced state as his vision was obscured by first red, then darkess, pain blurring his senses, resonating from his eye. He whimpered softly, the skin around his eye swelling up slightly as blood began to drip slightly from his eye, rolling down his cheek like bloody tears. On instinct his hands shot up to his face, clutching the area around his eye, Bakura's haunting laughter piercing through his very soul, only deepening to lengthen his agony.
     Warm blood seeped through the fingers of his hand that clutched his eye, his hand shaking as his other eye was wide in utter horror.  His whole body quivered in anguish, though all the while, Bakura just stood there, watching mercilessly as he suffered.

A/N Yay! I feel proud. Two chapters in one week. ^-^

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