Four: Love's Way

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"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." 

― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

Young-Hee checked herself on the mirror one more time and cleaned her eyes.

"You need to pretend you miss him a lot....cry too!" Her manager said grabbing his coat and dressing it.

"I don't have to pretend ok?! I think I like him. He is so silly and weird but he is also so handsome! I actually miss him!"

She sniffed and looked at the TV on the corner of the room.

News about idol star Onew missing were everywhere. The fans cried day and night outside his company singing his songs, wishing for him to come back alive and safe. SHINee stopped their activities and a crying Jonghyun was seen coming out from the company with Minho holding him.

Shawols all around the world cried for their idol.

One week passed and even though everyone was looking for him at the sea, Onew was nowhere to be found.

Another girl disappeared too and the news mentioned something about it.

Soon a lot of rumors started circulating around.

Rumors saying Onew was tired of his idol life and run away with a girl he was dating in secret.

Some even said he was married with her secretly and they had kids.

Young-Hee saw how Key reacted to that in an interview.

His hyung was so awkward with girls he would never keep a relationship in secret for long let alone a wedding with kids.

He was laughing, but all shawols could see how sad he was.

Even the members were worried with their leader.

Onew's parents ran away to Taemin's parents house trying to avoid the press outside the hotel they were staying.

The days were filled with images of shawols crying and random images of Onew singing, acting and in variety shows.

He was never loved as he was now. As always a tragedy brings more recognition than anything else.

SHINee's sales went up and the group was now talked everywhere.

The captain and crew of the ship were questioned but no one could precise the moment the two young adults disappear. The other tourists talked about an argument in the dining room and a boat disappeared, but a lot of questions were left answered.

A poor young woman and a famous idol disappeared without a trace.

"Poor Lee Jinki, a talented, humble young man with a whole life ahead of him." was the talk of the day on the street.

No one could remember the name of the girl though...

Young –Hee followed her manager outside where a group of reporters was waiting for her.

She was now more popular than ever. The poor girlfriend waiting for her beloved, with tears falling down her face.

She wasn't pretending though. She did miss him and maybe she even loved him.

Jinki saw her as a nonsense, but he was never mean to her, he just ignored her most of the time.

He was probably the only man in that country who didn't think she was pretty. He often said she lived behind a mask and he didn't like girls like that.

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