Chapter 4

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Warning: triggering content. Read at own risk. 



Bruno watched as Syndey sat with her friend, smiling more. Bruno smiled himself, then earned a nudge in the ribs from his buddy Phil.  

"Ask her out" he said simply.  

"What are you talking about?" Bruno asked. 

"Dude, you like lil' red, so ask her out"  

"But-- I can't" Bruno said, defeated.  

"Dude, yes you can, you're just scared. I know you like her, I can tell by the way you stare at her and by the way you hugged her" he pointed out.  

Bruno didn't blush, nope, not at all. If anyone asked, he would deny. Bruno Mars does not blush.  

"See?" Phil nudged him, "you're turning the same color as her hair"  

Bruno ducked his head down, completely embarrassed.  

"Don't be so ashamed, Bru. Ask her out, get to know her"  

Bruno sighed, "I guess you're right" he said. 

Phil grinned, "that's my boy" he said.  

Bruno rolled his eyes, then flicked his gaze back to Sydney, considering Phil's words. 


Sydney was still on Cloud 9 as Valerie pulled up to the house.  

"Be careful, Syd" Valerie warned. 

Sydney nodded, "of course" she gave a small smile, hugging the brunette before getting out of the car, heading into the house.  

Valerie waited a while, just to make sure Sydney was okay, then drove off. 

Sydney sighed happily as she made her way to her room, collapsing on her bed, still smiling. She couldn't believe Bruno Mars hugged her. -Bruno Mars-. Her idol, her 'savior', had hugged her. He even had her -phone number-.  

Sydney closed her eyes, unable to stop smiling. She didn't think she could stop. That is, until Jay burst into her room, yanking her off her bed. 

Sydney whimpered as he dug his nails into her wrist. "Ow, stop, you're hurting me" 

"Why are you smiling, skank?" Jay growled.  

"Leave me alone" she pleaded, trying to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her. 

"Tell me why you're smiling, or else!" He threatened, yanking her closer, glaring down at her.  

"Let go!" She demanded as she fought against him, whimpering in pain again, tears falling as he dug his nails into the fresh cuts on her wrist. "Please" she added in a whisper, then looked over to her phone as it rang.  

Sydney tried to reach for her phone with her free hand, but Jay shoved her to the floor, snatching her phone.  

"Hello?" Jay answered.  

"Hey, um, is Sydney there?"  

Sydney struggled for her phone, but Jay pushed her down again, then he looked down at her as the voice spoke on the other line, a -male- voice. He then narrowed his eyes before giving an evil smirk, "I'm sorry, Sydney can't come to the phone, she's busy being a -slut-" he said.  

Sydney quickly jumped up and tried to snatch her phone back, "give it back, you ass! The only person whoring around is you" she said.  

Jay glared at her, throwing the phone to the bed thinking he hung up. "What'd you say, bitch?" He growled, then yanked her by her hair and shoved her against the wall. "I best think you show me some respect, you little whore, before i hurt you again" he threatened. "I ain't done with you yet, you still owe me from yesterday for blacking out"  

Sydney looked away, fresh tears welling up at the memory. "No" she whispered. 

"Oh, I will, Sydney, I'll make sure you're awake this time for it. Don't think i won't. I -will- rape you again, and this time, I'm going to make you feel it. You thought yesterday was bad, then you thought wrong"  

Sydney was shaking, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Jay pushed her away, walking out of the room.  

Sydney took in a shaky breath and grabbed her phone, putting it away before laying back down. She closed her eyes, burying her face in her pillow, scared out of her mind that Jay will come back in here and... -force- her again. She shuddered, closing her eyes tighter, wishing all the bad thoughts would go away.  

What she needed most was the sound of Bruno's voice, so she sat up and grabbed her iPod, playing her Bruno Mars playlist, smiling as his music and voice relaxed her. If only she could have the real thing sing to her...

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