Chapter 5- Rainbow-colored Chick Flicks

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Hazel's POV

Two minutes later, I had washed my face and no longer felt like a sticky child.

Four minutes after that, I had examined Louis' "wounds" and left him pouting on the sofa as I looked for something to ice his face with.

Think, Hazel. He needs ice. Where do we keep the ice?

I crossed my arms and racked my head for any ideas.

Wait a second...

I am an idiot. We're in an ice cream parlor for God's sake, GET THE BOY SOME ICE CREAM.

A cold blast of air greeted me the second I opened the large metal door. Inside, I saw a familiar sight: rows and rows of giant tubs of ice cream. It was literally a hormonal teenage girl's paradise.

"Hey Lou! What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" I asked, sticking my head out of the walk-in freezer. '

Louis, who had sprawled out on the beige couch like he's on his death bed, immediately perked up and replied, "Ooooo do I get another treat?"

His cheeky grin overpowered the act he was putting on a second ago. No longer is he cradling his face and whimpering about how much it hurts.

Drama queen...

"No Louis, I don't really feel like being attacked again."  His little boy expression falls.

"Awww, fine. Whatever is okay. Choose your favorite then."

I turned back to the rows of creamy deliciousness and choose the store's most colorful creation: Rainbow Casanova. Hoping the bright colors will cheer him up, I lugged the tub out to the counter and grabbed a few ziploc baggies. Two scoops of food-dyed dairy and a tripple-bagged container later, I had created a makeshift ice pack.

"Here, put it on your bruise before it swells or anything."

"Graciaaass," Louis slurred in a total white-boy accent. His failure at speaking Spanish made me want to laugh, but I contained myself.

"Sorry about breaking my face on your floor though, I know you must have been soo worried for a tad while," he said sarcastically. "And you know... sorry for attacking you with frozen dairy products. I get a little carried away with practical jokes. I usually only do it to people I know well and who won't be bothered but I forget we practically just met."

"Don't worry about it. Just watch your back until I exact my revenge" I winked at his grimacing expression.

"Brrrr. That's bloody cold! And painful."

"Oh, don't be a wuss. Now be a good boy and ice your broken face."

"Stop saying that! My face is not broken, and I am just as dashing as before." He defiantly stuck his tongue out at me.

"Not very modest, are you?" I faked a cough attack.

*cough cough* man-whore *cough*

"Hey! Don't even try to deny it, love. I am one sexy guy."

I bursted out laughing at his vanity. "Suuree you are," I say jokingly. "I'll tell you who's really a sexy beast. Zac. Efron." I pretended to swoon after crooning his name.

Louis crinkled his nose in displeasure at my fan-girling. "Oh, you mean that American actor with the hippie hair? Psh, he is NOT that attractive."

Gasping, I stared at him incredulously. "Zac Efron?! Not attractive?! You're just jealous. I mean, come on. The Lucky One was the best chick flick ever made. And Charlie St. Cloud? I just about died. But of course, he not only made an amazing lover and older brother, but High School Musical was my entire childhood. Troyella forever! "

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