Chapter 8 -Crumpet Cravings

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Hazel's POV

"That game was so rigged," I complained as Louis and I left the carnival.

"You're only saying that because I beat you."


Louis raised one eyebrow and gave me a knowing look. "Whatever you say Haz."

"Hey! Only Logan calls me that," I stuck my tongue out.

The brown-haired boy looked into the water under the pier, glimmering with the reflected lights of the boardwalk.

"Oh right. I forgot that Logan owns the right to call you that." He rolled his eyes.

"Is that jealousy I detect?" I gaped, amused at the slightly-pouting boy.

"HA. You wish. Haz is a dumb nickname anyways. Hazel is much prettier."

"You're a terrible liar Louis." I chuckled and petted my panda stuffed animal.

"And anyways, even if I did want to call you Haz, I wouldn't care if he did too. Because I'm not a selfish jerk. And-and I don't believe in owning people- I mean names. So I don't care if you - if your nickname is his," he stammered.

"I didn't ask but alriiight."

"And I bet he thinks he owns everything else. If there's one thing I hate the most, it's false-entitlement."

"Louis, calm down."

He ignored me and continued his mini-rant. "I saw the way he looked at you earlier. I don't trust the guy. Or his stupid smile."

"Lou, chill-"

"Just let me know if he bothers you, okay? I could totally take him in a fi-"

"LOUIS. Oh my God. Give me two seconds, okay?"

He clamped closed his mouth, still slightly fuming.

"Logan is a good guy. He's my best friend, actually. And he does not think of me that way."

"You don't know that!" Louis interrupted. "Guys develop feelings for their girl friends all the time. Trust me, I would know. And we're good at hiding it too"

"Not this guy, Louis." I tried to hide my amusement. He was so oblivious.

"No Hazel. Logan was practically staring me down when I met him earlier. It's because he thinks I'm a threat." Louis crossed his arms.

"Actually, I think it was because he thinks you're absolutely delicious."

"What?!" he shrieked.

"Seriously, see for yourself."

I handed him my phone, which displayed my text thread with Logan.

Logan: TFTI to hanging out with that British hottie :(

Logan: Seriously tho, I'll take a slice of that crumpet ;D

Hazel: Sorry not sorry. I'm pretty sure he's not about that life anyways. I saw him checking out some middle-school girls at the beach >.<

Logan: WHAT?! Haz, are you sure he's safe to be around? Alone?

Hazel: I'll be fine. Don't worry I'll keep you updated.

Logan: Send me pics! Especially if you guys go swimming ;)

Hazel: I am NOT taking pictures of him shirtless for you xP

Logan: Ugh you're useless. JKJK love you muah.

"Okay, 1. I was not checking out those middle school girls! They were being catcalled by some arses and I was making sure they were alright and 2. My gaydar is officially broken beyond repair." Louis sighed in false desperation.

"Yup. Hey, does that mean I can set you up with Logan then?" I winked. "He's a real catch."

Louis glared at me. "I appreciate the offer, and I'm flattered by his interest, but I think I'll keep my crumpet to myself."

We finally reached the end of the pier, Main Street began and led all the way through the small town.

I slowed to a stop and looked at Louis. "I guess this is where the tour ends."

"That was the longest tour I've ever taken," he replied smiling. "But also the best."

I laughed lightly. "Well..."

"Umm... can I walk you home?" he asked like a true gentleman.

"Thanks, but I live close by. I'll be fine."

He pondered that for a second.

"Please let me walk you home."

I think my heart just sighed. If only I could accept.

"Maybe next time," I said, knowing there would not be a next time, but hoping that it would be enough to stop his offers.

He smiled widely, his bright teeth sparkling like his eyes. With the lights of the pier reflecting in them, they were now an enchanting green color.

"Next time," he agreed.

"Well... goodnight Louis. I'll see you soon."

"Definitely. Hopefully I won't almost frighten you to death or shove ice cream in your face. Sorry again. About that."

"Aww but it was soooo much fun," I teased.

"Sure it was," Louis grinned. "Goodnight Hazel."

We awkwardly started in opposite directions. I made note that he was heading towards the east part of town, where most tourists rented nice beach houses. Of course that was where he stayed. Good thing though, because it was far from my home.

I looked back once over my shoulder, and found him looking back too. Louis waved, then put his hands in his pockets, and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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