Give My Virginity Back

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Give My Virginity Back

Part One :)

Hello people, this is my story, I had previously posted it and got really good feedback but I had to open a new account because I wanted to start fresh because I left a big gap in my writing. This is a story that is inspired by my life and my friends’; however some of it is fictional so not all of it is real. I hope you enjoy and I do apologise my English is poor and therefore I do make a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Nevertheless I enjoy writing, and I don’t mind criticism as it only makes one stronger. And I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing.

If my Old fans are reading, I’m sorry for just leaving my story unfinished and I hope I make up for it by finishing it now.

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Thank you

Thushara x 


I stripped down, dropping everything on to the floor; I shivered involuntarily at the chilliness and turned the hot water and let the bath fill before looking into the mirror. What did I see a ghost? America’s Top Model? Obviously who else, I saw myself staring at my reflection.

I am not pretty; I was simply the ugly duckling perhaps that is slightly exaggerating, I am average: in looks and intelligence-nothing much overall. My wavy, dark brown hair curled down my back, each curl sticking out in the opposite direction; my hair is slightly damp from the steam. My green eyes that are usually dull were now bright with excitement and happiness. My lips are a light shade of pink; my upper lip was fuller than the bottom, giving me bee-stung kind of lips and my skin, let’s say, is pale, no tan, no nothing, just plain pale. Can you get plain pale?

I turned away after observing my face for any spots that were trying to creep on to the surface. I dipped my toe into the water and shivered reluctantly at the sudden warmth. It was a contrast to the icy floor. I allowed my leg to sink, finally by body.

I lay back, letting my body sink into the warmth. Yes, I am happy, because finally I didn't have any problems to ponder about. It was about time, I feel like I have just jinxed myself; please don’t let a problem start.

My life is just like a roller coaster, up and down, side to side, going around sharp and smooth bends. That is the easiest way to describe my life; I have never known what is like to have a life without problems. Solve a problem, next minute you face another, what a coincident? I solve all kinds of problems from education to bills. Most can be easily solved with some logic, but others you just need to use more than your brain and sometimes that’s not even enough because it’s not for you to solve.

One of the problems i couldn't solve is my parents' relationship; it basically didn't work for them, they argued and shouted at each other’s as though they are the only people existing on the planet. When they start, it may even take hours before they stop, which should normally give headaches but gave me heartaches instead at the thought of them splitting up.

Mum and Dad haven’t argued for some time, because they, for a period of time they didn't live together, they didn't divorce because they believed that would make their children's life hard, they didn't realise they had made it hard already. They just decided if they spent time away from each other’s they would learn to value each other’s existence. Which I guess is slightly true and my parents did realise, just not soon enough.

The family split into two; the males stayed at home and the females moved away, which just meant that I went away with mum to keep her company when my older brother, Michael stayed behind with dad. I seriously didn't want to leave, but i couldn't say 'no' to mum's face just like Michael did, because I know it would have broken her heart. When Michael said it, hurt flashed through her eyes and tears brimmed. So I, for the love of my mother, left behind my beloved father and brother.

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