Give My Virginity Back Part Five

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Give My Virginity Back 

Part 5

Hey people, this chapter 5 of my story, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for your support, your comments, and votes and for fanning me especially. I really appreciate it.

Don’t forget to comment, vote and fan if you haven’t already.

Also I do book covers, so if any of you are interested just drop me a private message including details such as author’s name, story’s name, genre and perhaps the blurb.

Thushara x 



"Do you come here often?" He asked ignoring my first question. Was he avoiding my question? Why was he here? How did he know I was here, is it  coincident that he is here when I’m here, my heart warmed at the thought of him following me.

The outside of my icy, cold heart started melting, even though it is stalking, I bet no girl would mind getting stalked by Blake.

Chapter 5:

The hard rock ground underneath started to turn soft as my head became light-weighted, his appearance was dazzling me making me have incoherent thoughts. The soft orange light from the sun ahead made his skin glow lightly emphasising his honey-coloured eyes; the light breeze tousled his hair removing it from his face. His jaw clenched and set making his face blank, however his eyes remained sincere and loving; he is one hell of a player that can pull a poker face and make his eyes act.

His clothes, what can you say? He was wearing a simple, green polo with a pair of dark, baggy jeans that hung loosely on his hips; even though he was dressed simple, he still managed to look like an Armani model. What a contrast to me. My eyes lingered on the muscle wrapped around his arms. Candice, you do realise you are drooling literally over him, I thought before closing my mouth, hastily.

"I asked you first." I shot back.

"Ladies first." He simple said.

"Well, oh you have manners," i said sarcastically. "You can show me your manners like when you open a door or something else, but not when I'm asking you questions." I said.

His lips began to twitch slightly and his eyes laughed, but overall his face remained serious. What crawled up his bum bum? He looked at me expectantly clearly expecting me to give in and answer his question. I really wasn’t in a mood to fight over anything, so I answered.

"OK, well I come here often," He was looking at me with confused eyes. "Obviously before I moved away, I used to come here all the time to get away from home. Whenever mum and dad were fighting or I had a problem, I would come here and sit and watch the sun set. Whilst sitting here, I would think and come up with solutions. I would just sit here till the sky is dark before going home." I said starring into the sunset sky, letting the breeze play absent-mindedly with the loose strands of hair, I had just told something to Blake that I hadn’t told anyone else before not even Michael.

"You have a problem now?" He questioned. Couldn’t he guess? I stared at him as though he was utterly insane by giving him a disapproving look along with ‘are you that dumb?’ look; realisation dawned on his face and he gave a small nod and turned to face the sunset.

He had suddenly shifted his weight, so that he was sitting behind me. "I'm sorry." He said, breathing into my neck, raising goose bumps on my neck- he was so close. His scent engulfed me making my posture relax. He raised his hand, and began twirling my hair in between his slender fingers whilst placing the other hand at the base of  my neck, drawing away hairs, exposing my neck to his eyes. The pressure of his breath against my skin increased, before I realised, he was kissing my neck as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling him close to him. I couldn't resist him. I couldn't stop him, not that i wanted to. I wanted him and he clearly proved he couldn't stand a metre away from me, so sank into him.

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