Chapter 2

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Grunkle Stan and I ran as fast as we could, well as fast as he could, I felt like I could run a marathon. When we finally reach the shack, a big surprise awaits me.

Wendy a Soos sit out front, Wendy is a werewolf and Soos's entire body is made out of sap.

So it wasn't just our family. A theory I had begun to form a few minutes ago.

"Hey" Wendy muttered as I passed her

"Hi dude, where's hambone?" Soos asked

"At the lake, she got turned it a mermaid."


Grunkle Stan and I walk into the Shack and find Great Uncle Ford in the basement muttering to himself.
Just like everyone I've seen he's been transformed. (He's a sphinx)

"Dipper! Stanly! Where's Mabel?"

We quickly tell him where she is.

"Well, I'll see her later, so Dipper, you were turned into a centaur?"

"Uh, yea I guess."

He started to mess around with his computers "My biggest question is how this happened."

"I, uh, think I know."

I tell him about how Bill was chasing us, I called him a monster, ba da bang ba da boom we're all monsters.

"Dipper, I'm about to ask you an extremely important question. How do you know Bill."

"Well, a few weeks ago, this kid named Gideon Gleeful started a business called the tent of telepathy."

The next twenty minutes is me telling him and Grunkle Stan everything Gideon did.
After I finish Stan looks down at me, "So you kids were inside my head?"


Ford starts pacing and muttering to himself again.

"This isn't good, but as we are out if options at the moment, I need you two, and Soos if he is able to help, to find a way to get Mabel to the shack.


I got bored after a few minutes of waiting on the boys, so I started to look around under water.

Much to my surprise (and pleasure) I find two more people who got stuck in the water.

Grenda and Candy!
Grenda's lower half of her body turned into octopus legs, and Candy is some kind of water sprite.

We talked and basically goofed off until I heard Dipper calling me.

I swam up to find a cart full of water strapped to him. After saying goodbye to Candy and Grenda, Grunkle Stan lifted me out of the water and into the cart.

Then Dipper walked me to the Mystery Shack. Stan following not to far behind us.

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