A/N: hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But I'm sure we all know by know that I have trouble updating. But this time I have an excuse. My internet will not connect to my phone or laptop. So I've been unable to do anything. But now I can so yay!


I found a nice patch of grass near bye. I laid down and munched on some of the green blades. I was enjoying myself a little bit.

Then I heard a growl. My instincts kicked in and I jumped up, ready to run. I knew there were wolves in these woods, one almost gnawed my leg off once during one on Mabel's sleepovers. And I knew with my deer body, they would love to get their paws on my.

Something lunged out of the bushes, towards me. I waisted no time and ran. I could run fast, but so could the thing chasing me. Adrenaline pumped though my veins giving me a boost. We ran for three miles, then the adrenaline started to disappear. I was suddenly aware that I was exhausted. I started to slow down. The thing, or what I assumed was a wolf, chasing me noticed this, and jumped. It didn't get me, but it's claws scraped my left leg.

I let out a cry of pain and fell on my side. I turned myself around and faced my attacker. It wasn't what I was expecting.

"W-Wendy!?" She was walking towards me on all fours, ready to attack me. She bared her teeth and growled. "What's going on?" I yelped.

She didn't answer. I tried to stand up, but the cut on my leg wouldn't let me. I glanced down at it and saw a small pool of blood.

I tried back up, but with my deer half on the ground it was hard. My three legs that weren't injured couldn't push me far. I guess deer legs were only meant to run.

Wendy inched closer. "Wendy please!" I yelled still squirming backwards.

She let out a howl, and got in a pouncing position. She jumped, and her front paws landed on my shoulders.

I was screaming, and trying my best to get away. Until for a moment our eyes locked. Then her snarl diapered.

"D-Dipper!?" She hurriedly backed up. "Oh my gosh Dipper! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- Your leg!"

I looked down at my leg and found that the small pool of blood was much larger than before.

Oh crap. You need help, like now.

I started to get dizzy, and I felt woozy. It occurred to me that Proditione hadn't said anything before just now. But I didn't care, I have more pressing matters at hand.

Wendy tore off her green button up, and ripped off a sleeve. She tied the sleeve above my cut stoping the bleeding. Then without warning she scooped me up and put me on her shoulders. She ran until we reached the Mystery Shack. Although Wendy had stopped the blood flow, I was getting sleepy. And black dots danced across my vision.

Don't fall asleep.

I tried to follow his advice, but it was hard, I wanted to sleep. My leg felt like it was on fire, I was dizzy and tired. Finally I stopped fighting it, put my head on Wendy's shoulder and fell asleep.


I was trying to get to know B. She was weird. I mean, she answered questions the way a normal person should, she didn't have any weird stories (or so she said) and she was really nice. But it was the fact that she was here. I'm not sure about you, but if I found out an entire town had been cursed by a psychopathic daemon to turn into monsters, I wouldn't stick around, no matter who I was looking for.

We ate our lunch, (sandwiches) in silence. Until I heard the front door burst open. I slithered as quickly as I could to the hallway to see what was going on.

Wendy was walking towards me with a limp Dipper strung over her back. She walked into the kitchen and put him on the table. B's eyes widened when she saw him.

"What happened!?" I demanded

Wendy looked to be on the verge of tears, "I did this. I lost control!"

I remembered her telling me about what she did to a deer when she found me in my mansion. "Wendy, it's going to be ok." I told her calmly "I'll go get Mr. Ford." I slithered to the elevator and made my way down. I had no clue how I was managing to stay so calm. When I reached to bottom floor, Mr. Ford was looking at something through a microscope. He looked back at me when I slithered out of the elevator.

"Hey Pacifica, I not quiet done with-"

"Mr. Ford this isn't about that. Wendy just came in with Dipper. He's injured really bad." I no longer felt calm. My voice shook when I spoke, and I was shivering.

Mr. Ford froze, "I need to get up there." He simply said. He walked past me and into the elevator. I quickly joined him. But when it opened up in the Shack, and we walked into the kitchen, Dippers leg wound was healed. Wendy starred at B as if hee had seen a ghost.

"Pacifica, I thought you told me he was injured." Mr. Ford said looking down at me

"He was." I replied.

He looked back up and smiled. "No wonder he's healed. She's here." He said gesturing to B. "This is B-"

"B." She interrupted.


"Just B."

Mr. Ford walked up the Dipper and gave him a look over. "He'll need some rest, but he'll be ok."

Wendy allowed her self to smile, and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. We all started to relax. But to soon.

The earth started to shake and the ceiling caved in. Mr. Ford grabbed Dipper and ran for the exit. We all followed his example.

Outside, there was a giant, green, man. Standing in the forest. In his hand he held Mabel, who looking a little blue.

He roared, "I am the Puppet Master! I am here for the dream daemons!"

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