chapter 12

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From: You To: Luke
It's been a couple of weeks since you started to not attend school, where are you? Why haven't you answered me? I miss you.


From: You To: Luke
Everyday I text you, I don't know what happened or who caused this, but I need answers. Please?


From: You To: Luke
Time's almost up for me. Just a week or two left. I need you to talk to me.


Luke's POV:

It's so hard. Hard to let go of her. I may be over exaggerating, but maybe I'm just not in the right mind.

I decided to drop out of school, I wanted to focus on music and the band.

Of course I read all Kendra's messages, how could I miss it? But sometimes I couldn't understand some of the texts. What does she mean she doesn't have much time left?

She had been texting me from the past month. The boys and I have practiced a couple of times in Michael's garage, but I never spoke a word about Kendra and I'm pretty sure they got the idea.

Ashton and I haven't really spoken to each other. I mean we did try and give her a rose on the same day, which meant that we fell for the same girl.

My phone screen opens, the vibrating sound going off continuously. It shows Kendra's name printed at the top of the screen. I'm hesitant with my actions, choosing for it just to ring until it had stopped.

My phone rang a couple of times. The temptation growing within me.

It now indicated that I had one new voicemail from Kendra and a text.

From: Kendra To: You
Bye Luke x

I become worried by the second, my thumb immediately pressing the voice call.

Why did she say goodbye?

Kendra's POV:

So many times I have tried contacting. I just wanted to hear his voice in person for the last time in possibly, forever.

I find myself giving up after the fifth call, deciding on just leaving him a voice mail.

"Uh hi, Luke. Well," I stutter, not knowing what to say next "you're probably thinking, why is this weirdo still texting and calling me? I just wanted to start off by saying, sorry for all my mistakes, because what I learnt is that words are like toothpaste, once it comes out, it can never be properly be put back in. Okay I'm probably confusing you to death. Let me just say the real reason why I wanted to call you so badly is because I'm," I pause for a second and deeply sigh "I'm being forced to travel over to New York. My uncle and aunt said that I'm old enough to move out of the house, they want to get rid of me immediately, because I'm apparently a pest to them. Although my dream was to just run away from them, I feel like I'm going to be leaving a whole lot here in Australia. I'm probably going to already be in the airport once you've heard this, or you probably won't even want to hear this. Anyway, I hope to see you soon, Luke. Goodbye." I find myself cracking my voice at the end of the voice mail.

I then instantly text a bye to Luke.

I glance at this room once more, the walls are now stripped from all the posters. My bed now only containing a mattress. Every single one of my belongings are packed into two huge suitcases and one duffel bag.

"Goodbye." I wave at my room once more, before turning around and closing the door behind me.

This is it, I'm going to live my own life. No one's going to be in control of me. I can finally keep my head up high.


"Goodbye guys, I'm going to miss you so much." I wave to Ella, Calum, Michael and Ashton. My eyes begin to blur from the held back tears.

"Wait Kendra." Ella shouts, putting my walking to a halt.

"Ye-" I was cut off by a pair of arms thrown onto me.i

"Don't leave me, don't leave us." A low familiar voice could be heard from behind me.

I manage to turn around, just to be met by Luke's ocean blue eyes.

"Wait, Luke? You're here? You're actually here," I squeal, I wrap my arms around his neck "I've missed you so much, you can't just drop out of school like that."

"I'm sorry." He says through a chuckle, hugging me closer to him.

"You dork." I laugh out, my toes beginning to hurt on the airport floor as I have been tippy toeing to get to look at Luke in the eyes.

"Kendra," Luke mumbles, I just look up at him in confusion, but before I could respond he completely cuts me off by three certain words I never expected a boy to ever say to me "I love you." I gasp before covering my mouth in shock.

"You can't be in love with me. I'm just a broken girl." I quickly piece together.

"Kendra, I love you. My mum had told me if I really liked you, I should let you go, and let you do what you want to do. Right now this will probably be our last conversation together so I just needed to be with you and tell you."

"Luke, I ca-," I was cut off by a loud speaker. My flight being called out to start boarding "goodbye Lucas." I sadly say before softly placing a small kiss against his cheek.

"Goodbye Kendra." Was his last words before I turned my back on him and walked away.

I basically just walked away from the people who completed my life, the people who I actually think care for me.


1 year later...

I couldn't be any prouder. My four favourite boys are touring with the worlds most famous boy band. One Direction.

My heart starts to pound hardly every time I would hear their band name being said.

Who knew both Five Seconds of Summer and I would become famous over the time?

My eyes are kept glued onto the bright tv, me watching 5sos being interviewed at this very moment.

"So Luke, we heard that two years ago you had this girlfriend, am I right?" The hostess questioned.

"No not at all." Luke answers.

"Well what was this all about?" The hostess shows a picture of Luke and I last year in the airport, hugging each other tightly.

"I don't know who the heck she is, not being mean or anything. Maybe just a fan, because I sure never dated or had any sudden feelings towards her." Luke says while shrugging. The rest of the boys looking at Luke in shock, giving him a disapproving look.

I start to breathe heavily and quickly. He never loved me. He just pretended to love me. I knew it this would happen. But why would Luke do that to me? Why would he



Ooo finished this book.

I will start the sequel soon, so don't worry :-) I don't know if people would actually read it though, so that would be so awkward if people didn't.

I love y'all and thank you for supporting me through this whole book xx

[Sorry for any mistakes]

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