Chapter 2

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"What happened?" Doctors asked as Jack was rushed into trauma room one.

"The president was shot we think in the shoulder his voice box has been damaged." John told them

"Mr. President we are going to help you. I'm doctor Jim Cararrio, the others are doctor Robert McClelland,Doctor Ronald Jones he is the chief resident of surgery."

Jack shook his head as he tried to get up he had to see his wife.

"Mr. President can you speak? I'm doctor Malcolm Perry" he asked shining a light into his eyes Jack was getting agitated he wanted his wife. He knew he couldn't speak.

He kept pointing to the doctor's pen

"Mr. President we need to help you."Another doctor named James Duke said as he gave Jack several IV's  one to keep him medicated the other was hydrocortisone for his Addison's disease 

Jack nodded he pushed his agent Tim McIntyre to the door

"No sir I have to stay with you." Tim told him he was aware Jack could not speak . However he did not have a clue to what Jack wanted.

Daniel walked over to Jack

"Sir do you want something if you can mouth it to me I can read lips. " Daniel said as he spoke up.

Jack pointed to the door and mouthed Jackie.

"Jackie?" Daniel relied

Jack tearfully nodded he wanted to yell some how he knew his voice box was damaged.

"Oh you want your wife, and brother Bobby Right sir?" Daniel said looking at his boss

Jack nodded as he started to get up. He was confused why Bobby was here

"No Jack stay put." Jackie told him as she walked in

"Hi Jack." Bobby said smiling at him. He saw the confusion in his brothers eyes to why he was in Dallas he spoke, "I came to tell you something but it's too late. I was too late." Bobby said he had found out J Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson were planning on having Jack killed in Dallas. He had a plane bring him to Dallas as fast as it could. He was so glad he was looking at his brother alive and not dead.

Jack smiled at Bobby . Jack mouthed directly to  Bobby don't let Lyndon in the oval! Get Teddy to look in my top drawer I have a letter tell him to please get it.

"You got it Jack . He has Addison's disease." Bobby said to Jack the last part he addressed the doctors.

"After surgery we will get you back to DC." Jackie told him

Jack nodded

"Okay Jack." Jackie replied as she kissed him on the lips.

Jack was rushed into surgery.

Bobby went to a pay phone he called Teddy telling him what Jack had told him leaving out the part that Jack couldn't speak.

Kick ran into the hospital she had been in California campaigning for Jack when she had heard about him being shot she rushed to Dallas. Bobby filled her in on Jack's condition. Kick ran up to Jackie she hugged her tight. Jackie was closest to Kick and Joan.

 Jack's other sisters called Jackie the Deb and made fun of her baby like voice. Kick and Joan were the only ones to really except her. 

Jackie sat with Kick and Bobby. The three of them sat quietly in their own private thoughts. Hoping and praying Jack would make it out alive.

After a few hours Doctor Jones walked out to the trio he spoke,"Mrs. Kennedy your husband is out of surgery he will make a complete recovery. However he has temporarily lost his voice. He may get it. Back but my only be able to speak below a whisper. Or a bit higher. Right now his voice box is damaged. Do not let him speak if he does he may damage it permanently." He explained 

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