Chapter 6

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Bobby and Jack were in the Oval it was December 14th Jack and Bobby were still trying to get Lyndon caught. He hadn't even said three words to them. The Kennedy's were still living in the White House. Bobby and Jack wanted to keep the family close. They didn't trust Lyndon.

Joe was working as Attorney General. Bobby was Vice president he and Jack were working Very closely together. Lyndon was still working as Vice President he was until he was dropped from the ticket in 64.

Jack and Bobby's agents were just outside the oval

"Mr. President your wife is out here with the kids. As well as Ethel and the kids"

"Send them in" Bobby replied

"Daddy guess what we invented a new game" Bella told her dad

"Yeah and we drew maps to find treasure" Joey replied

Jackie gave Jack Jamie he held him making smiling faces at him. The little baby cooed as he sat in his father's arms

"Jack we have the best jobs in the world huh?" Bobby said as he held his youngest Chris.

Jack nodded as he hugged and kissed Jackie and his kids

"So what have you kids been doing?" Bobby asked

"We are playing pirates and we have to find the long lost treasure" Courtney replied

"Uncle Billy hid some things and he said we can find it. We are having fun. I like having all of our family at the White House" Caroline replied

"Yeah it's fun having the cousins here Uncle Bobby can we slide down the banister again?" Bella said

"Okay" Bobby replied

The kids cheered Ethel and Jackie kissed their husbands they took the kids and left the Oval

After they left both Jack and Bobby had smiles on their faces, they loved fatherhood.

They got down to work. Bobby would talk Jack would nod or write

"Jack do you want to pull out of Vietnam?" Bobby asked

Jack nodded he wrote bathroom break!

Lyndon walked in

"Do you still want me to go to Vietnam?"

"No your wife thinks it would strain your heart"

Lyndon got close into Bobby's face, "listen here you runt. You will not talk back to me."

"Your breath stinks get a breath mint"

"You better watch how you speak to me."

"Why do you know something?"

"Look here you runt. You will pay for this"

"No I won't you will lose Lyndon you and Hoover will lose!"

"Why you runt not so tough huh Mr. Tough guy showing off for his big sister. Now who is tough huh if I was president this is how things would be."

"You're not. Jack is and will be until 68 then I will be. Then in 2009, another Kennedy will take the reins John jr or one of my kids Bobby jr maybe David or Chris or Joe jr or even Teddy jr. You Lyndon will die in jail. You will go down don't think I don't know about Bobby Baker."

Lyndon punched Bobby in the gut

Jack walked in just as Lyndon punched his little brother he was ready to kick Lyndon's but no one ever hurt Bobby.

Jack looked at Bobby.

"I'm okay Jack" he replied

"So Jack how do you speak?" Lyndon asked smugly

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