Chapter 2: Emotions Not My Own

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Chapter 2: Emotions Not My Own

Yuki’s P.O.V.

It was freezing. The cold digging deep into the pores of my skin, my lips turning a light shade of cobalt and my hair covered with snow. I was weak, barely able to move at all. I could barely feel any energy in me, just enough to survive. After being stuck in those nightmares for so long, being killed and killing over and over again with no reprieve, I guess I should be glad that I am still able to even move. All I had was the battle kimono I have on, stained with the blood of those millions of creatures and mortals alike that I have slain. A katana with rune engravings on that has been alchemized multiple times for maximum efficiency laid by my side, protected by the everlasting barrier from natural destruction. I slowly sat up, observing the area I was in. It was nothing like the clan’s lands. It was overgrown with weeds and bushes and trees. Close together and clumped in bunches, you could barely move efficiently and silently. There was this weird aura around some trees to, as if a living spirit has been encased inside. There was a sense of wrongness around me, like I don’t belong and shouldn’t belong. As if I am in the wrong time. And I think I am. Nothing feels right. The air is dirty with this weird chemical and the snow feels contaminated. It’s as if the earth is dying every second. Every second whoever caused this is sucking dry the natural essence of life. The very core of essence is being sucked dry. Something is stirring, either good or bad, I don’t know. I don’t know what is happening to me. All of these thoughts, all of these … these feelings, THEY. ARE. NOT. MINE! Anger… is that what I just felt? Was I curious earlier? Why am I feeling all these…feelings? Why am I still alive?

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