Prologue: Demon's Legend

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Chapter 1

Yuki’s P.O.V.

It was safe, that was all I could think of. Safety… warmth… and love? Soft muffled voices filtered into my mind as the soft rays of the moon cast its illuminating light onto the world. But my mind was elsewhere, entrapped in the horrors of hours previous, of the last hours of my clan. The blood, the screams, the pleadings, the tears, the hatred, the horror, it all resonated in my mind like a broken cord, capable of only showing the massacre of my clan by the hands of fate and destiny with a tool crafted from birth to do so. Hands tinged with blood and soul stained ruby red and darkest black, it is no wonder that as I am lifted and carried bridal style by unknowns, I gave no resistance. What is the point in life when I know that the destruction of the clan was their own doing?  That they have crafted the tool themselves and created a monster, a demon who gave no remorse for their actions because they had no choice. It was fate they say that the demon slaughtered them. A prophecy foretold before its birth about the destruction of the clan, and the clan, burdened with worries and false hope, crafted a weapon to save them. Funny how the so-called savior is nothing more than the pawn of fate for it was the savior who ended the clan. Everyone except for me, but that is expected, no? I was the so-called savior, I was the weapon of destruction, I was the demon in a child’s skin, I was the prophesized destroyer, and I am the demon. My mind was hollow and emotions have long since been eradicated. A weapon is just that, a weapon. My death has no meaning to me. Fate and destiny have destroyed my life, however little the happiness it brought me, my way of existence is gone now. What does it mean to me if I end up in the hands of someone else? A weapon is a weapon and even a weapon of fate is not all powerful. I can feel Thanatos’ hands tearing my body off the plane of existence and I do not care. Why does it matter? I only bring death and chaos in my wake.

Third P.O.V.

            It was days before anyone found the little girl, so petite and fragile, laying on the burnt ground of an ancestral clan long lost and destroyed centuries ago. Thrown forward in time from its destruction past the creation of the elemental lands towards the reign of man and demon, the girl was a traveler of time lost and chaos. She was seen as innocent, her true nature not evident until her eyes opened wide and the destructive scarlet shines through. Love not known and emotions long gone, it was a matter of time before the destruction of the new dawn. Time stood still as not even silence could be, the magic of the earth transferring its health to the girl in need. Her feet soaked in the energy from the earth, darkening her skin to a light tan. Her features were more defined as her lips regained more than of its former blood red hue and her cheeks warmed to a dusty rose. Her hair, reaching the small of her back, as dark and black as the ebony tree with strands of silver and oceanic blue, made her small willowy stature look as that of a newly grown fairy. Clothed in little more than a worn red battle kimono from ancient times, feet bare and senses unaware, her body lay still, not even moving a hair. As the sun drew across the sky in the chariot of the gods, a light of unholy origin grew around the fae and transported her away.

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