CHAPTER TWO - Paid for Lies

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The Marauders trailed after the girls into the Great Hall, all grumbling angrily. They plopped down at the Gryffindor table, Sirius sitting next to Alessia and James next to Lily. Lily scooted further away from him, into Alessia. Alessia rolled her eyes and mouthed something to James.

"What?" He mouthed back.

"Don't." She mouthed, again, much slower this time. "Give. Up. On. Her."

"Oh, Sirius!" Daphne Green, a Ravenclaw sixth year, exclaimed, dreamily. "I was just wondering when I'd see you again, so I came over to ask. I had so much fun last night." She winked at him. Sirius started chocking on his pumpkin juice, Alessia and Lily's mouthes fell open and Remus turned, startled to his friend. James was smiling, obviously proud, and Peter looked jealous. It was a known fact that Peter had had a crush on Daphne Green since third year.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sirius asked. He admitted, Daphne was attractive, but he was with Alessia. By the look on her face, he couldn't know if he still was or wasn't.

"Sirius Black!" Lily yelled, shocked.

"I didn't do anything!" He screamed back. Many people were turning to look at him now.

"Tell me the truth." Alessia ordered, her voice shaking slightly. The Marauders and Lily were the only people who truly knew what Alessia was doing. She was using her power on him.

"Nothing happened, I love you." Sirius replied, instantly. He then flushed a deep red and looked into his pumpkin juice. Alessia rounded on the Ravenclaw girl.

"Why are you lying?" She asked, softly.

"I was paid." Daphne said in a monotone voice. She quickly clapped her hand over her mouth.

"By who?" Alessia asked, dangerously.

"Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy." Again, Daphne clapped her hand over her mouth in horror. The gang looked over at the Slytherin table where Snape and Malfoy were looking around rather nervously.

"Tell them I appreciate the welcome back." Alessia commanded, darkly. Daphne nodded and walked over to the Slytherin table. It appeared that she had told the two boys the message, for they seemed uncomfortable. "Why would they pay her to do that?"

"A stupid prank." Remus guessed. Sirius was just relieved Alessia used her power so she was sure he wasn't lying.

"I think it was more then that." Lily said. "I knew Severus Snape, and Alessia, I think he likes you. Malfoy probably does too, considering Halloween last year-"

"You promised me never to speak of that again!" Alessia hissed. Lily ignored her.

"From this point on, I'm just guessing: They wanted you to dump Sirius for his 'lack of faithfulness' and they would come in to comfort you, and you'd fall for at least one of them. It's not a brilliant theory, but it's better then nothing." She continued.

"How comforting." Sirius muttered.

"That's stupid." James pointed out. "They wouldn't both be able to go out with Alessia."

"This has been pleasant." Alessia said, sarcastically, ignoring James.

"I'm going to bed." Peter announced. He stood up and walked away. There was an awkward silence until James turned to Sirius and spoke:

"I bet you three Galleons that he doesn't realize 'til morning that the Silencing charm has worn off."

"No way! I say he'll realize at 10: 30, maximum. Even Wormtail's not that stupid." Sirius and James shook hands, finalizing their bet.

"James, I now understand why you're single." Remus said.

"You two are unbelievable." Lily shook her head. "Come on, Alessia."

"Well, I'm definatley getting dear Snivellus back for this." Sirius promised.

"Oh please," Alessia said, "Allow me." and with that, Lily and her were gone.

"See that." Sirius said smuggly, turning to James and Remus. He had a proud air about him. "I have a badass girlfriend."

"Mate, make sure you keep that girlfriend." Remus advised.

"Moony, what do you think'll happen? She'll fall for one of those scumbags?" Sirius jerked his thumb behind him to the Slytherin table without turning around.

"What do you expect, Black? That your dear little girlfriend will keep liking you after I show her what's up my sleeve?" Someone snorted behind Sirius. It was Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape next to him. Sirius stood up and took out his wand. Snape did the same, but before anyone could say a spell-

"Expelliarmus!" Remus roared, and both boys' wands went flying into his hands. "Not here." he muttered. "You'll get detention, Padfoot."

"Oh, so Black's scared of a little trouble now." Malfoy laughed, coldly. Sirius, losing all common sense he had, punched Malfoy square in the jaw.

"Are you kidding me?!" Remus asked. "Expelliarmus!" This time, Lucius' wand went flying and Remus caught it. "Look at that." he said. "Now I have four wands."

"Well, Mr. Lupin, I'd expect you to give me three of them." A calm voice said, behind him. Albus Dumbledore.

"What? That's not fair-" Sirius started.

"It's very fair, Mr. Black. All three of you have attempted to hex the other - well, if Mr. Lupin hadn't interfered, you would of - and that deserves a detention. But I have a better idea. I think Miss De Luca sould choose your punishment." Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"What?!" the four boys exclaimed.

"With the little I understood, I thought that this whole fight was about a certain Italian exchange student."

"But, sir!" Snape complained. "She'll go easy on Black because he's her boyfriend!"

Sirius would have felt relieved if that had been true. But he had the strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that that was not what was going to happen at all...

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