CHAPTER ELEVEN - The Whomping Willow's Note

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"I found it!" Alessia said, pointing. She was still clinging to Sirius, and Sirius was enjoying every minute of it, though it seemed like he was trying to pretend he wasn't.

The other Marauders had been scrambling all over the place, trying to find the Whomping Willow. The schedule was becoming tighter by the minute. As soon as Alessia yelled, everyone was around her. Lily pushed her way through them so she was at the front of the gang.

"Look!" she said, indicating a branch above their heads. "There's a note stuck on one of the branches. Quick, someone boost me."

"Wait," Remus said. "Wormtail, you know what to do."

Peter nodded and turned into the little white rat that was so familiar to everyone by now. He scurried along the ground and to the tree trunk. Above his head, the trees arms were flinging so violently everyone had to take a few steps back. Peter tapped the knot on the tree and the branches froze.

"Okay, someone boost me." Lily repeated once Peter had returned to his human form.

Sirius was whispering in Alessia's ear, so he wasn't even paying attention; Remus and Peter, however, walked towards Lily, but immediately stopped when they received a death glare from James, saying "Back off,"

James walked up behind her and placed his hand on her hips. He then lifted her and she grabbed the branch. Sirius and Alessia seemed to break out of their dream world.

"You know, James, you could have levitated me." Lily said, swinging on the branch until she was able to swing her leg over. She took a deep breath and relaxed into the tree trunk.

"Yeah, but James wanted to touch-" Sirius started. Alessia, coming to the rescue once again, put her hand over her boyfriend's mouth. Lily looked confused but James nodded, thankfully. Alessia mouthed to him: You owe me. 

"I got it!" Came Lily's voice overhead. She was waving the piece of paper that had been snagged on a branch. She opened it.

"Read it." Peter said.

She gave him a look. "What do you think I was going to do?”

Peter shrugged and looked at his feet.

Lily cleared her throat, “Dear Lily, Alessia, Peter, Remus, James and Sirius-“ Lily stopped for a second, stunned, then continued. “Congratulations, you have found the Whomping Willow. The castle on the hill over there is Hogwarts-to-be-“

“How do they know about Hogwarts?” James asked, bewildered.

“The only person smart enough to pull this off I think is Dumbledore. But how would he have left a note?” Alessia wondered aloud.

“You must found it and then rescue the house founders – all of them – “ Lily looked up from the letter. “I think this person means we also have to rescue Slytherin.”

“Bugger!” Sirius muttered.

“Wait, rescue the Founders?” Remus asked. “We can’t do that! We don’t even know where they are!”

“Good luck.” Lily finished. “Wow, that was such a helpful letter. Remus, please levitate me down.”

Wingardium Leviosa.” Remus slowly let Lily drift towards the ground.

"How the hell is the Whomping Willow arround in the fifteenth century?" Peter asked.

"It's a violent magic tree, Pete, I think that explains itself." James said, bluntly.

So as Peter and James were arguing about the tree, the gang made their way to the castle. They trudged up the big hill and once they got to the top, Lily took out her wand and asked Remus to help her, because the others seemed too confused to do much.

"There." Lily said happily, a few minutes later. "Done."

"I don't see a change." Alessia admitted.

"It's the protective enchantments and the Dilusionment charm so that Hogwarts looks like ruins to anyone without wizard blood running through their veigns." Lily explained. "Now - on to the inside!"

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