CHAPTER FOUR - The Founders of Hogwarts

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After everyone Alessia was expecting had fallen from the sky, Liz was kind enough to invite them back to her house for the night. As they walked, Alessia introduced herself, Lily, and the Marauders.

"It's nice to meet you all. I live just on that hill, over there. Alessia and Lily, you two can sleep in my room. I guess you four," Liz turned to the Marauders, "can squish into my brother's room. I don't know if he'll be too happy about that, though."

"Great, thanks." Remus said, as they climbed up the steep hill and into the small house. Everyone was wondering how a family of four could fit into that small cabin, until they walked inside.

The interior of the house was probably twice as big as the outside, since it also had a second story. Liz brought them up to the second floor, and everyone was surprised when they saw big windows bringing in natural light. Liz explained about some sort of charm her parents put on them, and they got to pick the weather the windows would show every day.

"This is so cool..." Peter and Remus murmured at the same time.

"This is way better then last year. All this time traveling, adventure..." James started listing things, grinning as he looked around the medival house.

"Mostly more adventure, I'll say." Sirius pointed out.

"Is anyone worried about how we got here and how we'll get back?!" Lily roared. "Liz, what year are we in?"

"1478." Liz repeated.

"Oh my gosh!" Lily squealed, jumping up and down. "What month are we?! What day? You have to tell me! Come on!"

Liz, though majorly freaked out, answered as quickly as she could. "Uh... July 31st, 1478. Why?" Lily's only response was a scream of joy. She ran to Alessia and whispered something in her ear. Both girls were now freaking out.

"What the bloody hell are you two talking about?" Peter asked.

"Hogwarts!" Alessia exclaimed. "It's going to be created tomorrow! We can see one of the oldest wizarding schools in the world be created!" Remus slapped his forehead and muttered an "Of course, how could I've forgotten?" 

"Well, not as exciting as I thought it would be." James admitted. Lily scowled.

"Let's go try to find the castle right now! It'll save us time tomorrow and we can explain all this to Liz as we walk!" Alessia suggested. And that was just what they did.


"Imgaine if we could meet the founders of Hogwarts!" Lily exclaimed.

"Oh shut it, already." James said, not caring if he was speaking to the girl he had loved for almost two years now. "I bet if you asked Liz where they lived, she'd be able to tell you." Lily gasped and immediatley asked Liz that exact question. "Oh brother..."

After telling Liz the names of the Hogwarts founders, they made their way to Helga Hufflepuff's house. But when they arrived, no one was there.

"How strange." Liz said. "The four people you named me almost never leave their houses. Well, maybe Helga went to town for something." 

So they made their way to Rowena Ravenclaw's house. No one was there, again, and Liz made the same comment. Everyone was getting fairly worried by now. Two of the four Hogwarts founders weren't at their house (and could be considered missing) the day before they were supposed to found Hogwarts.

But, none the less, they made their way to Godric Gryffindor's house. The boys were mostly looking forward to meeting him. Sadly, he wasn't there. Liz didn't speak, this time. She knew it was strange, just as good as the others.

So they all ran to Salzar Slytherin's house. Not in eagerness to meet him, but in eagerness to know they weren't all gone. But he wasn't there either.

"Well, this isn't good." Peter pointed out.

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