CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Banishing, Searching and Finding Someone Unexpectedly

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Remus sat on the grass in front of the castle, reading, as Sirius and James were holding onto the Grim Reaper, waiting fro Liam to return. By the time he had, Remus was still reading.

"I left Alessia with Elizabeth and my mother; they'll take care of her." Liam assured Sirius.

"Moony, what are you-" James began.

"Reading." Remus replied, holding up his hand in a 'wait' sort of way.

"I know, I can see that but-"

"Reading, Prongs."

"Just put the book down and-"

"I got it!" Remus exclaimed, slamming the book shut.

"Brilliant." James answered, sarcastically.

"A Banishing Charm should dot the trick, we really don't have to carry him. Then we put protective wards around Hogwarts and he won't be able to come back." Remus explained.

"We can't do advanced stuff like the protective wards, Moony!" Sirius said, impatiently.

"That's why we have to find the real Founders so they can do it."

"So we dressed up for nothing!" James snapped.

"Don't be such a priss, Prongs."


"Want to yell a little louder, James?" Lily asked, innocently stepping out of the Entrance Hall and into the grounds. "I'm sure some people down in the village didn't hear you."

"Lily, do you know how to preform a powerful enough Banishing Charm to keep the Grim Reaper away until the Founders are... um, found?" Remus asked.

Sirius and James snickered. Remus glared at them, but remained silent, waiting for Lily's answer.

"I think so..." she said, hesitantly.


"Everything we can do is taken care of." Lily said. "I mean, we aren't powerful enough to put the protection around Hogwarts and the Anti-Appartion jinx, or the Glisseo charm on the girls' staircases in all the dormitories."

"Do we really have to put that last one?" James complained.

"Yes." said Remus. "It has to be exactly like the Hogwarts we know and love."

"Well, I don't love that Glisseo charm..." Sirius muttered, remembering the event in his fifth year that caused him to slide down the stairs-slash-slide on his stomach when trying to apologize to Alessia.

"So let's go find them!" said Peter. "Can't be that hard."

"Peter, we don't know a thing about them! We don't know where anything is in this time. I bet we couldn't even find the Leaky Cauldron if our lives depended on it!" Lily snapped.

"I see it though." James said, pointing over her shoulder.

"Yeah, there's a big sign that says 'Leaky Cauldron'." Sirius pointed out.

"I don't think now's the time to talk about that." Liam hissed.

"Oh." Sirius said.

"Right." added James.

"Anyway." Remus continued. "I have a few places in mind. Let's go."

The Marauders, Liam and Lily went off. They stopped every ten or so minutes, knocked on a random door and asked the homeowners if they had seen either Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, or Rowena Ravenclaw.

After abot two hours of looking, it felt hopless.

"Wait, look!" Lily exclaimed, pointing to someone across the road.

A little girl with bouncy locks of chestnut brown hair was sitting down in the grass, just looking around. She had a small ball in her hand, and she was bouncing it next to her.

"What?" Sirius, James, Remus and Peter said together.

Lily made an exhasparated noise.

"That," Liam said. "is Helena Ravenclaw."


I know, the chapter is super short. Sorry, I kind of had a mind blank.

Next chapter will be longer, promise!

Could all of you also check out my new story, The Dragon and the Angel?

Thank you so much <3 

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