Chapter one: The awakening

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As the large van pulled into the driveway of the Victorian style house belonging to the Hailin family. Michael stopped writing his school report to see what was going on outside, from his room on the second floor he couldn't hear a word down there. He ran out of his room and slid down the bannister. From there he heard "He has the location in his phone contacts, its under the word."  That was his father talking. "You still remember the training!?" This voice was booming, must have been someone from the van. " Of course. I couldn't forget." That was his father again. " OK sounds good." The other man said. Then it was silent. Michael heard his fathers car start then leave the driveway. His mother was at work, his father just left; he was alone with the person or people from the van.
The man started opening the screen door, Michael sat down in a chair quickly and grabbed a book. The man knew Michael had been listening but pretended not to, it didn't matter anyways. "Hello Michael, I'm Mickey. I'll be watching over you today. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun; we have lots of things in common. I'm Mick your Mick-". Michael put down his book interrupting Mickey "I'm 13, I can stay home alone and don't call me Mick". Mickey mumbled something under his breath. Another man came in."Mickey, 45 minuets left."."Come on Michael, we have to go; NOW!" Mickey said. Michael could tell that Mickey was trying to get him out of the house and away from any safety but there was nothing he could do, he had to go. Michael and the two men left the house and got into the van. The inside was normal other than a large storage container in the back. Mickey was in the front of the van. Michael saw the other man from inside the house and also two new people. The van backed out of the driveway and drove towards Lake Michigan. After 4  minutes the car slowed to a stop. Mickey climbed into the back of the van from the drivers seat and opened the storage crate. Inside there were guns; lots of guns. "What do you need those for!" Micheal shouted. Calmly Mickey said " just stay back here and don't look outside.". Michael looked, they were stuck on the highway crashed cars everywhere. Then there was darkness; it came from the many shambling people climbing up the hood of the car trying to get to Mickey who Micheal could hear from inside. Then Mickey started firing. The light came back through the windshield as the people slid off backwards.

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