Chapter two: the wonder of underground

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Mickey got back into the car claiming that he saved them all. Micheal didn't believe that " do you know how many people you shot out there?! Your going to end up in jail. The cops will find you even if you run away!" He testified. Mickey just answered with " they weren't people any more Micheal we are the last in the city." Micheal debated " my parents are still out there like all the people you didn't shoot and even if you are right my parents are still safe they've never even gotten sick!" He said that all in one breath. Mickey was silent the other man said sorry and then he too was silent. " sorry,what's that supposed to mean!" At this point Micheal was so overwhelmed he was crying. Or maybe it was because inside he knew he would never see his parents again. Micheal grabbed a small pistol from the box and aimed it at Mickey " bring me back to my parents!" He ordered. " Mickey replied. From there they walked Mickey had the crate on his back and the only item from the truck that wasn't in it was the pistol Micheal still held. After 15 minutes they came to a tunnel that had a few people that looked the same as the people on the car. Micheal wouldn't  let Mickey kill them so they just continued on. At the next tunnel Mickey stopped by the breaker box that ran all the lights; he busted it open with his knee and flipped a switch. The two ends of the tunnel began to close with thick metal doors. Then, the section of road next to the breaker box started lowering slowly. At least that's what Micheal saw. Mickey called for him to jump on, the other man was already on. Without thinking Micheal got on too. Above their head a fake section of road slid over the hole while railings folded up from the ground next to them. " grab on" Mickey said, everyone did. Then, It dropped. When it finally slowed down and then came to a stop the two men got off. Micheal barfed. " too fast for you?" Mickey asked. " no. It just smells weird down here!" Micheal said. that was an awful lie, they'll see right through it! But Mickey just left it alone. Mickey went through a doorway into a small rooms with tons of boxes on metal shelves and he set down the crate. " can I have that gun now." Micheal knew that it wasn't a question but he didn't want to give up his only protection except for his fists. " HEY ROSA, GET IN HERE AND TAKE THIS KID TO THE CAMERAS... AND WHILE YOUR AT IT GET ME BACK MY PISTOL!" Mickey shouted into the other room. A bulky woman entered and Micheal immediately put down his gun- he didn't want to get on the bad side of 'Rosa'.

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