Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

..... And into the arms of the boy I hated more than anyone else in the entire world.

He shifted our position and held a small handgun to my head. "Who are you?" He demanded, choking me with his iron grip. The other boys studied me curiously, they probably hadn't seen a girl in a while.

Thankfully Tristan piped up. "Imogen Logan. My friend."

Declan let go of me, letting me crumple to the floor, gasping and sputtering. When did he get so strong? Geezum!

"You're that loser I used to have fun with!" Declan recalled our relationship with a surprising happiness. "Guys, it's that nerd from Math class!"

I stood up so fast I startled myself.

My hand was at my thigh, gun pulled from the holster. I had it right in the center of Declan's forehead. If he was scared, he didn't show it. And if he moved, I would blow his brains out. The boys all had their guns on me, but I didn't care.

"I'm a quick pull trigger. You send me down and I'll make sure Blaze comes down too!" There was ice in my voice, no emotion whatsoever. The boys paused, unsure of what to do.

"Stand down," Declan said with ease. He sounded bored. "Your heart is racing."

Huh. It is. "So?"

"You wouldn't shoot me."

I clicked the bullet into the chamber as a response.

"You wouldn't shoot me because it would mean your death. You're selfish," Declan observed, like he was inside my brain in that second.

"Shut up." I said, my voice shaking ever so slightly at the last syllable.

"Put the gun down, Imogen!" Tristan put a hand on my shoulder. "Please."

I dropped my weapon and hugged him tightly. Declan slipped my gun back into its holster, which surprised all of us.

"No offense," Declan chuckled. "But you are the last person I'd expect to survive this thing."

"I have my ways," I said cooly. My 'ways' being the enhanced senses and strength from the Creature venom. Not that I was about to say "hey, I'm a Hybrid. Go on with your lives now please!"

"Still shocked," He casually sipped from his water bottle. It made me thirsty just looking at it. I hadn't had much to drink in two days. He offered me my own bottle and I took a couple sips. Declan Blaze is helping me? The world really is ending...

"So where are you headed?" Tucker asked, leaning against the table.

"Nowhere," I said. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off I noticed the blood slipping down my arm. I cut myself on the way down. Ripping fabric from my shirt, I dressed my own wound under the careful eyes of the four boys.

"This is Jason," Triston introduced him. "Tucker, Declan, me, and of course our sniper on the roof."

"Sniper?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yep. He's a great shot by the way," Jason smiled, a real smile. The kind you'd see anywhere else but in the middle of an apocalypse.

"You've lost weight! The apocalypse looks great on you!" Tristan exclaimed, earning weird looks from his group. Maybe he hadn't come out to them yet... I just let it be.

"You do look hotter without those glasses," Declan winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Lost them." Which was true- and miserable- because I had to learn to see without them. Being half-blind was a death sentence if you couldn't adapt quickly.

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