Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

I found that of the boys I was annoyed by Tristan the most. Declan was an a-hole for good majority of the time, but we kept our distance and left it at that. Alex didn't talk to me unless I spoke first, polite- but incredibly irritating. As for the others, they were terrified of me.

Tristan was chatty, insisting on talking to me about the unimportant; magazines, TV shows that would never air again, and our celebrity crushes. Apparently we both had a thing for Ryan Gosling. I humored his questions, as long as they didn't remind me too much about the fact that I wasn't myself anymore.

After forty eight grueling hours, the Blaze twins came to consensus that I wasn't going to turn and rip their faces off. I celebrated by climbing up to the rafters in the ceiling for the sake of it. I curled up in a corner and slept my heart out. Not because I genuinely wanted to sleep but because I was so exhausted from staying awake and not dying. The nap itself was dreamless and memoryless, leaving my subconscious to think. It thought about Ryan Gosling for a while before shutting down into incomprehensible mumbling.

The room was dimly lit by the grey light wafting through the window when I opened my eyes. Since it was daylight- not for long, may I add- I had to look at the skyline. I missed it. Back when we lived in New York when I was eleven, I'd watch the cars and streetlights until I fell asleep. Now the only things moving were the Creatures, dormant until something live walked by. I stared at one of the Creatures, following its aimless trail until it found a man walking by. He was already injured, so the thing tackled and ripped out his throat in sixty seconds flat.

I counted.

He screamed, loudly, but I didn't do anything. Sure, I could try and get a shot, but I didn't have the right gun. So all I could do was sit back and watch the Creature pull open his pink flesh and yank out whatever it was ready to feast on. I felt bad that It didn't start with his heart. He ended up feeling the whole thing until most of his blood was running out of his body and onto the asphalt below him.

I threw up.

Honestly, the worst feeling in the world is puking. You're vomiting up everything in your stomach- while the organ itself does cartwheels- and you can't defend yourself from anything should danger arrive. You're weak and vulnerable. I hate feeling that way.

After rinsing my mouth out with a little bit of my precious water, I climbed down and met the boys. They were bowling and having fun. Typical boys, always messing round even after the world ends...

Rolling my eyes, I sat down to witness the competition between the twins. From what I could gather, Declan needed a strike to beat Alex's score or Alex took the prize. The boys had the nerve to be drinking during an apocalypse. The prize was half a bottle of Vodka.

Declan turned to give me a smirk before he rolled the bowling ball down the lane, effectively knocking all of the pins down. He victoriously grabbed the bottle and tilted back his head to empty the bottle of its contents. I knew that he was wasted as soon as he slammed the empty bottle back down onto the counter. All of them were stumbling about, and all of them were a safety hazard.

"What do you think you're doing?" I smacked Declan's hand before he could pull out a beer. "You could get alcohol poisoning!"

He responded by burping in my face. His breath smelled disgusting.

 I smacked him across the face, for my personal enjoyment. Then I took the beer back to the kitchen. The boys weren't overly fond of the idea.

Tucker grabbed my wrist and shoved me into a wall. His pupils were dilated- he had pot too? Uh-oh.

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