the twenty-third text

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2:23 pm

marshall grant.

do you know him?

we're in the same ap english class.

was he there today?

gen, he hasn't attended class for a couple of weeks.

2:47 pm

he used to write about death.

3:06 pm

he also wrote about finding hope.

3:21 pm

now that i think about it...

it's more than possible that he was talking about you.

3:43 pm

i need to meet him.

or at least talk with him.

you don't think that he, you know.

i really hope not gennie.

i found his address in his file.

would it be odd if i visited him?

in these circumstances, i think that visiting him is necessary.

i'm going.

not alone, you're not.

i've got to, x.

you really care about him.


i do, xavier.

but you've never met him?

genevieve let out a sigh. she would have been lying if she said she knew why she'd grown to care for someone who she'd never met in real life. texting and the occasional phone call was the closest she had gotten.


she looked up from her phone, to be sure that the teacher hadn't noticed the fact that she had diverted her attention from her textbook to her phone.

you know when you feel a special connection with someone and you can't explain it?

this is all feels so real, x.

because it is.

you don't need to meet someone in real life, to meet the real them. 

that's debatable.

is it?

she slipped her phone into her backpack, put in her earbuds and drained out the noise of the students around her, turning back to reality, in other words, phycology class. 

you like him.

a lot, don't you?

and i know the feeling, when you feel like you have something real with someone. (undelivered)

a u t h o r ' s n o t e :

ew undelivered texts ((!))

school's starting soon, the back to school advertisements are back ((actually i've seen the back to school ads for a while now, i saw them much before i wanted to ugh)) and i'm getting my school shopping done now and i feel like summer break passed by much too quickly.

i'm really excited for my courses though, to be honest, especially english/lit class because writing and reading gahh i actually enjoy essays and reports is that normal ((??))

simran xx

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