the twenty-sixth text

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10:04 pm

thank you.

10:15 pm

i don't know if you felt the same way.

about us meeting but.

it gave me a rush, that i hadn't felt in a while.

11:32 pm

oh, lennon.

we've been talking for awhile now.

11:54 pm

i guess i'm not 'anon,' nor 'lennon' anymore.

12:02 am

what's in a name?

that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.

she chuckled as she sent that, when remembering that he had texted her that exact message when she had asked who he was, months before.

quoting shakespeare's my thing, genevieve.

she desperately hoped he was smiling. she had read online, that to help someone overcome depression, love, support and care was needed to be shown. she thought that humour might be another strategy. she wanted to help him become the happy person he was again. if not, to at least show him that he was not to blame for the death of his brother.


do you really want to know me?

because i'm flawed.

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