A U T H O R S ➢ N O T E

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T H A N K S    A    B U N C H  < 3 

i hope everyone's ready for the sappy authors note that follows every book ending: wow. i started this book in march twenty-fifteen and it had come from this little idea i had from winter twenty-fourteen. and now i'm ending this book in december of twenty-fifteen. time flies. i wrote this book with one simple message to convey: reaching out to people really does help. i hope everyone was able to take that one message away ((": 

thank you so much to the voters, commenters, silent readers ... everyone who has read this. i appreciate every read, comment, vote, everytime someone had updated their library to read this, every follow. i say this in complete honesty, all the positive comments have never failed to make me smile. not once. i started out with about fifteen or sixteen reads on the first chapter and maybe one or two comments and that was enough to fuel me to continue. now this story has grown and i'm so amazed. 

you guys have given me the push to make me feel more confident as a writer.

thank you so much for sticking with genevieve, marshall, xavier and me. kisses, i love you all xx

Q + A 

don't hesitate to leave a question. i'd love to answer them!

go on, leave a question for me, genevieve, xavier,  marshall -hell, you can even leave a question for amber, the girl who sat at the front desk of the office, giving genevieve permission to go into the back to look for marshall's files. 

the deadline for the questions will be the fourth of january. don't be shy ((':

S P I N  O F F 

this spin-off will be about xavier. because i simply love love love that cutie. he's a film student studying in england. (('; 

i'll be posting the first chapter on the first of january. gah, i'm excited. 

I   L O  V E   Y O U   A L L. 

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