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After spending 3 days crying over Calum, Ashton finally decided to get out of bed and went downstairs to eat something.

He opened the fridge.

Calum's maimed body was in there. Part by part.

He ran to his room and locked himself.

He sat on the floor sobbing. And puked.

"There, there" Eli patted his back, almost hugging him, "if it makes you feel better, he was drunk when I ripped his heart out" she said.

"You're a maniac" he cried.

"Oh poor baby, Ashton" she said in a pitched voice, "scared of an innocent girl"

He stared at her in disgust, "How dare you to call yourself innocent!? You murdered someone for fuck's sake!"

"Last time I checked, you murdered someone innocent too" she said and vanished.

He was sick of all this.

"And you better come downstairs, I have a surprised" he heard, but Elimar was nowhere to be seen.

He left the room.

Big mistake.

There were two bodies.

Hanging on the ceiling.

They both were complete. Two arms, two legs, the head.

Until he looked closely.

No heart.

But the fact that the bodies were heartless didn't shock him out, he was shocked by who those people were.



Both death.

She killed his best mates. His brothers.

"Enjoying the view?" she said.

He just left the house.

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