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matthew espinosa

I was on my way to wango tango with my friend Carter. We were super excited to see some artist that we knew.

The traffic was light and had a faint relaxing sound. I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes.

I took out my phone and put my playlist on shuffle. With my eyes still closed.


" Hey matt wake up." I felt carter shake me. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up.

" Alright let's go!" I said with excitement in my voice.

I excited the car and walked with carter to where we had to go. We kept walking until we were backstage.

We wanted to meet some artist we got a pass for it. My eyes scanned the room for anyone familar.

I saw a team of people surrounding justin so carter and I walked over. I came in to give him a friendly hug but the security guard stopped me.

" Who are you?" They asked me. I was about to speak Justin cut me off. " Nah man they're alright." Justin said.

The guard looked at me and I nodded. He stepped back and I then hugged justin. I then stepped back to let carter greet him.

" So how's it going Matthew, long time no see. " He says. " I've been doing good. Just catching up on a few projects. " I said answering Justin's questions.

" Ahh I see, well that's nice good to see you man." He says. " Yeah you too. "

He starts to talk to carter then my eyes scan the room again. I see a few girls talking and getting ready.

They look familiar but I can't quite point them out yet. Then I remember... Fifth Harmony. I hear there name a lot on the radio.

I walk over to the girls and I'm soon greeted by Normani I think?

" Hi How are you.. Matthew, is it?" She asks. I nod " Well I'm Normani." She says holding out her hand for me shake. I take the gesture and shake her hand.

" Nice to meet you Normani. " I say. " Who are your other friends? "I ask nodding my head in the direction of the four girls behind her.

" This is the rest of the girls. In our group I mean. " Normani says. " Girls come and meet Matthew. " She says waving her hands in my direction.

The four girls walk over to where we are and start to introduce them selves.

" Hi I'm Camila." I brunette says.

"I'm Ally." I smaller but beautil one says.

" I'm Dinah. " A tall one with a blonde type of hair says.

Them comes the last girl.

" Hello, I'm Lauren." The green eyed beauty speaks. I stare at her looking at her beautiful features.

I guess she noticed because she snaps her fingers at me. " Hello, you there?" She asks rapidly.

" Huh, oh sorry, I was just looking at how beautiful you are." I say to her.

She looks at me for a moment. "Thank you Matthew. " She smiles her gorgeous smile.

" Nice to meet you all by the way." I say shaking their hands. " You too Matthew. " They say I smile at them.

Then carter walks over. " Who are these beautiful ladies?" Carter asks gesturing to the five females in front of us.

" They are Fifth Harmony but I will let them introduce themselves." I say smiling at them.

They introduce themselves to carter and we have a conversation until it was show time.

I had got to know a bit more about lauren. She is a very genuine person. All of them are.

It was nice to have a conversation with them. Very nice girls.


I was now in the crowd watching the girls perform their song. 'Worth It' ( A/ N #WorthItVMA )

They were doing some extra dance moves that i couldn't point out but were done beautifully.

I couldn't help but stare at lauren watch her every move as she danced. I didn't her sing tho. Seems as if she doesn't have a solo. (A/N Give lauren more solos.)

She looked over at me and caught me staring. She smirked and did an extra move that was smooth but sexy.

I let my jaw open in awe as the beautiful girls danced on stage. Soon the act was over and the girls ordedly exited the stage.

I lead carter backstage again. Once we got there we rushed over to the girls.

" You guys did amazing out there. "I complemented. " Yeah you did." Carter followed.

" Thank you." I here them say.

" It's no problem, it must be a work to dance in those heels. " I say looking down at their feet.

" Yeah just a bit. " Camila says. Normani nods agreeing with her.

"Well we should exchange numbers because we are about to leave." I say.

They a nid and I take out my phone. They walk over to thier dressing rooms to get their phones.

" Hey carter, I think I like lauren." I say to him. He looks up at me. " How?" He asks. " Yeah, I just met her but I want to knowher more. She's very beautiful." I say explaining.

He nods and takes in the information I just told him. " Well you should tell her once you get to know her more, see if you really do like her." He says.

" Yeah, I'll do that." I say and look infront of me the girls are walking back with their phones in hand.

"Ready?" I ask. " Yeah let's do this." Dinah answers.

We all exchage numbers and then we get ready to say goodbye.

I start to hug all of the girls starting with Normani. " See you soon Matt. " She says. "Yeah." I say and move on to theother girls until I get to lauren.

I hug her. " Text me Matthew." She whispered in my ear. I nod too shocked to talk.

" We'll see you soon boys. " Ally says.

We wave at them and then walk off. As I'm walking away I look back and couldn't help but stare at the beautiful girl that was dancing on stage.


School starts on Monssay 08/24/15

I wanted to try sowething new and I love matthew ge makes me smile. I stan 5h and this story has a nice vibe to it that I want to stick with.

Enjoy your day.

God Bless.✨

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