Chapter 1

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A boy sat quietly in the backseat of a silver mini van with his head bowed. The red haired woman driving the car glanced at him in the rear view mirror and let out a sigh.

"Noah, why don't you pull your hood down so I can see your face? It's been a long time since we've seen each other."

The teenager didn't respond.

" Aren't you hot? It's seventy degrees out and you're wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and baggy pants."

His silence continued. The woman sighed again. She was beginning to grow frustrated.

"I'm sorry these aren't the best circumstances and it's understandable that you're upset but could you at least acknowledge your Aunt Stella?" She almost pleaded turning to look back at him.

Noah lifted his head and his blue eyes met her brown ones.

"Sorry...I think I'm going to take a nap." He curled up against the car door and rested his head on the window.

A man with long blonde hair quickly rushed around his house picking up dirty dishes and throwing away garbage. He had to make sure everything was clean because he was expecting company. He had received a phone call early that morning from his Aunt Stella that turned his world upside down. First she had said that his father who he hadn't seen or heard from in fifteen years had just passed away from a heart attack. He didn't know how to feel about that because the man had never really been a part of his life. When he and his mother were still together he drank all the time and when he was drunk he would say the meanest things so nobody wanted to be around him. They divorced when he was ten and then his Mother cut him out of his life. As if that wasn't enough stressful information for one day Stella proceeded to tell him that his father had a sixteen year old son who needed somewhere to live and someone to take care of him. He immediately refused because he had no idea how to take care of a child but Stella had guilt-tripped him into it.She said he had no one else and that she had too much on her plate already with her four kids and their numerous pets. She told him that the boy wouldn't be a problem, that he was sixteen so he could basically take care of himself. So after a second he had answered"Okay, I guess that would be alright." As soon as the words had left his mouth Stella replied "Great! I'll have him there in four hours, see you then!" and he had hung up the phone with wide eyes wondering what he had just gotten himself into.

A knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts and he ran downstairs to answer it. He turned the deadbolt and threw the door open.

A red headed middle aged woman stood there.

"Hey, Sonji, long time no see."Stella said throwing her arms around the blonde man's shoulders. He returned the hug and noticed a quiet figure standing closely behind her.

"Is this him?" He asked.

Stella nodded and reached back gripping Noah's shoulder and pushing him in front of her. His eyes were glued to his feet and his hands were shoved in the pocket of his sweatshirt.

"Well Noah, don't be rude, greet your new guardian." she admonished. He slowly looked up at the man in front of him before averting his eyes once again.

"..Hi..." He practically whispered.

"Hi, I'm Sonji, I'm your stepbrother. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sonji held out his hand.

"Noah,..i-it's a pleasure to meet you too." He hesitantly took the hand and shook it once.

"Stella, did you want to come in and sit down for a minute?" She shook her head "Nah, I need to get back to my kids, It's been great seeing you again though, take care Noah!" She hugged Sonji again and lightly squeezed Noah's shoulder before running off the porch getting in her car and speeding away down the road.

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