Sorry that I haven't been updating its just that I've been really busy. This book has taken longer than this whole summer. I just want to say thanks to those of you reading this book as to be patient because it's going to take me a while to finish. I did change my mind from the book I was going to write. I'm actually just tired of writing so when I'm done with this, I'm taking time off for sure :)
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000
00000 00000 00000 00000 00000Carters pov
My eyes cracked open at the sun light beaming on them through the window. I heard a knock on the door and I rushed to get to it.
I opened the door but to my surprise no one was there. My eyes scanned the porch until I looked down and saw a small box.
I picked it up and took it inside. Before Grabbing a blade, I set the box on the table. After I got the knife I cut the box open and eagerly tore the wrapping out.
Inside was an orange envelope. I opened it as well and stared at the papers inside before revealing them to myself.
It was numerous letters addressed to me.
The first one said,
Dear Carter,
I would like to ask you to stay away from my girl Madelyn. Please she's mine and mine only.
Sincerely, DavidThe next two were exactly like the first but worded differently. As I kept reading the excerpts , they became more violent.
Give me Madelyn or I'll make your life a living hell.
Another one said,
I'm getting impatient. Give me Madelyn or I'll get her myself I don't care if she gets hurt in the process.
I gasped and dropped the envelope. I ran to the phone and dialed Madelyn's number.
It went straight to voice mail. I called three more times and she still didn't answer. I dialed Emma's number and she answered."Hey Carter."
"Emma, listen. I just got a whole bunch of letters and they are threatening to hurt Madelyn and I. They refer to Madelyn as , "my girl.""
"Um okay I'll call her."
"I just called her four times and she didn't answer."
"I'll look for her."
"Okay thanks call me if you find anything."
"Alright bye."
*madisons POV
I walked into the coffee house across from my work space and sat down in a booth by myself. I ordered my usual mocha with a shot of espresso and waited patiently.
A familiar man walked in. Where have I seen him. He started walking towards my booth and
I started to panic. What do I do what do I do.
He sat down across from me and just stared at me. He didn't even say hi."Um hello?"
"Huh?" He was brought back to reality by my choice of words and he looked away and back into my eyes.
"Who are you?"
"Why don't you remember me?"
"I'm sorry it's on the tip of my tongue but can you at least introduce yourself?"
"Sorry I'm David I'm your father."
"What the hell. Do you think this is funny? It's not my dad died."
"Yeah your step dad."
"What do you mean?"
He started explaining everything. I was reluctant and quick to judge but something about him told me that he was being serious.
"Well it all started out the day you were born. Of course you don't remember but it happened. Basically I got your mom pregnant and I made the stupid des idiom to abandon you and she found a new guy in the next few months and got married when you were about two."
"How do you know all of this?"
"Because I'm your dad duh."
"How can I trust you?"
"Trust is what it takes."
"No. We are getting a DNA test now because I don't know you and you just come up to me an-"
He pulls out his wallet and shows me a picture of my mother when she was pregnant with me. Tears pricked the inner corners of my eyes but I blinked them back.
"How did you get that picture?""I got it before I split with your mom."
"Well why did you spilt up with her?" So many questions rushed to mind. Why didn't he come to me sooner? Why couldn't he stay? Why couldn't he have been a bit of a decent human being and at least still be in my life?
"Because I didn't think I was ready so I took time to think and eventually I just stopped thinking about it until recently."
"So you basically forgot for 22 years?" Who the hell does this guy think he is?
"Well.... Yeah..." He sighed.
"Ok you're wasting my time." I stood up and started to walk out. My finger tips brushed up against the metal door handle but I was suddenly jerked back with a large amount of force and I was brought into his embrace.
"Let go of me right now."
"I'm sorry it's just, life hasn't been easy. After I left, I got fired and I've been so lonely."
"Well who's fault is that? It's not mine. Now stay out of my life. You wanted it this way and for once in my life, I'm an independent woman and I'm happy. I don't need some old geezer that decided I wasn't enough to be apart of his life ruining my day. Now if you'll excuse, I'm going to leave."
"You know why I left? Because I couldn't support a family. I was barely making anything! I couldn't even consider it a job. I couldn't support myself let alone a family!"
"You don't understand. Anything would have helped. My mom must've been miserable. She told me when I was born that her and my dad now had been fighting so he moved out and she had to work multiple jobs just to feed me."
"But now I have a job, I can buy you things I can help you, I can be a part of your life."
"Yeah, but I don't know if I want that. I have a boyfriend and some amazing friends. I don't need you. Not anymore."
"Fine have it your way. Just know, I will be back. You are my daughter and nothing will change that. You can't keep me away from you."
"I can if I bring the law into it."
"Whatever just tell your mom hi for me."
"Get lost." I spat. I eyed him as he stomped out of the diner. After I saw him leave, I left.
I didn't want him in my life. I already have amazing men in my life. I didn't need him. I only needed carter.

Strictly Business
RomanceMadelyn Dell Starts her new job as an intern at the Google industry In Houston, Texas. She discovers that her boss is cocky jerk but also discovers that she might feel something new. Will she continue to hate her boss or will they have a deep dark s...