Madelyns pov
I woke up and saw a man with a knife on my sofa.
"Madelyn? Are you awake?"
"Please, dont hurt me. Not again."
"Madelyn it's okay it's just me."
"I know you're gonna hurt me again because I survived.""What are you talking about."
I started bawling like a baby rambling on and on for the killer to not hurt me. He turned on the light. He didn't have a knife.In fact it wasn't the killer at all it was just Jay.
"Madelyn it's just me."
"I'm sorry. I thought you were the man from that night."
" I know sweetie."
He cradled me like a young child."Will you lay down with me."
"Of coarse."I laid down and he did too. I laid my head on his firm chest and listened to his heart beat. A thousand miles a minute. I listened to my own heart beat and it was beating like normal.
I had butterflies though. When I was with Carter, I felt like my chest was going to explode.
Jays pov
Her heartbeat was so subtle unlike mine which was beating so fast that my heart alone could run and win an eight mile Marathon.I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes.
I knew that Mr. Owens had a thing for her. The way he. Looked into her eyes. But I had to have her.Even if she had to find out.
Madelyns pov.
I tried so hard to get Carter off my mind. Every aspect of him. His smile, His eyes, His sharp jawline, everything was perfect.
But Jay has the best personality. He was nice, caring, obviously liked me for me. He was also incredibly adorable.
I woke up the next morning still laying on top of Jay. He had his arms wrapped over me.
I slid his arms off and tiptoed down to the kitchen.
I started making some French toast. I felt two hands reach across my waist and pull me close to some hips.
"Goodmorning Ella."
"Good morning Jay." Wait that wasn't jays voice and my name isn't ella."Ryan WHAT THE HECK?"
"Oh I'm so sorry. I thought you were Ella." the situation would've been fine if Ryan wasn't completely naked.Gross they were probably up all night and I was sleeping right above them. I mentally vomited and finished cooking breakfast.
I slid three pieces on each of the two plate and sprinkled them with cinnamon sugar. I took the ayes upstairs along with some orange juice.
"Wake up Jay."
"Hold on ten minutes."
"I made food." his head popped right up and I giggled at his reaction."What kind of food?"
"French toast."
"Ooh my favorite."I sat down besides him.
"You sure it's your favorite?" Just wondering if he was just being nice or actual liked it."You know second favorite."
"What's your first favorite?"
"You." he said nibbling on my ear. I blushed and kissed him on the cheek.I definitely wanted to take things slow. I had a lot on my shoulders. Everything with Carter and Jay is just so stressful. If I don't do something about it I might lose them both.
"You are literally the best cook ever."
"Awe thanks. But if we get married I'm not doing all the cooking."
"I never learned to cook but I can buy the book.""SING ALONG WITH ME!" Ella shouted from the other room.
I can't believe Jay just recited a line from A freaking Mehgan Trainor song.
He shrugged.
"You are so corny."
"That's me."I took him downstairs to help me with dishes.
"Are those space pants?"
"What?" I questioned not understanding the quote "Space pants""You know I bet those are space pants."
"What are you talking about."
"Those are totally space pants cause your butt is out of this world.""Oh m gosh. I hate you so much right now." I punched him in the arm and started laughing.
We finished the dishes and sat down to watch tv.
"Fresh prince let's do it."
"Ok." I turned the channel to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."I'm going to take a shower okay I'll be back."
"Mind if I join?" He said with a seductive wink.I rolled my eyes and skipped up the stairs. Of coarse he could join. If he were Cart- Oh hell nawwwww. I sang in my mind.
I hopped in the shower and scrubbed the nasty thought of me and Carter away.
I finished up and put some nike shorts and a tank top on.
Walking down the stairs I saw Ella and Jay whispering to eachother. They were arguing.
"You need to tell her!" Ella said.
"Tell me what?" I said walking down stairs.
"Oh that I uh-"
"That he wants you to meet his parents!"
"What the heck Ella?" He mouthed."What's going on?" Jay bowed his hair and rubbed his eyes as if he were stressed.
"I want you to meet my parents." he said.
"Okay I want to meet them to."
"How about next week I'll take you over there for lunch.""Sounds nice." I said blushing. He gave me a smile. It was a sympathetic smile that I've seen before.
He was very familiar. I just don't know where from though.
"Okay well I have to go help my cousin move into her apartment today."
"Do you need help?"
"No it should be fine."
"Okay bye Jay."
"Bye love." he said kissing me on top of the head and leaving.He seemed nervous but I don't know what for.

Strictly Business
RomanceMadelyn Dell Starts her new job as an intern at the Google industry In Houston, Texas. She discovers that her boss is cocky jerk but also discovers that she might feel something new. Will she continue to hate her boss or will they have a deep dark s...