Chapter 1

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She reached over and brushed her fingertips across the skin of my hand, instantly gaining my full attention.

“Cheryl...” she paused, looking down as soon as our eyes connected, “There’s something I think we need to talk about.”

“What is it babe?” I asked, confused by the concerned look on her face. I reached out to place my hand on her thigh.

“’s...eurgh, why can’t I just say it!” she exhaled frustratedly.

“What is it Kimba?” concern lacing my voice, “You know you can tell us anything.”

“Ok,” she paused, “OK. I’m just going to come out and say it,” she finished nervously, edging away from me slightly.

I reached my hand up to cup her face so she was looking me in the eye; keeping my hand in place until she met my gaze. 

“You know how much I love you and care about you,” she started as she shuffled her body around to face mine properly.

“Of course”

“Well it’s just that...well ever since you and Ashley got divorced I’ve felt like we’ve gotten even closer over the past 12 months, if that’s even possible. And...and after seeing what you went through, what that selfish prick put you through, I just...I just never want to see you that hurt ever again.”

“Aww, I know that babe. That’s what I love so much about you, you’re always thinking of others”

“That’s what I’m trying to get at Cheryl,” she exhaled again and relaxed her shoulders, “It’s not others I’m thinking about, it’s just you.”

Returning her gaze to the floor once again she continued, “Please just let me say what I’m about to say and then I promise you can ask me whatever you like because if you stop me from saying it now then I don’t think I’ll have the courage to say it again.”

“You’re starting to scare us Kimberley,” I tried to get her to look me in the eye again, “I love you and you can tell me anything. Nothing in the world could change that.”

“I know, I know. It’s just that what I’m about to say is probably going to come as a big shock to you so I just want you to be prepared...and please don’t hate me,” she tacked on at the end.

“Fookin’ hell babe, you’re gonna have to spit out whatever it is pretty quick cos you’re really starting to freak us out,” I laughed nervously trying to lighten the mood.

“Ok. Ok, here goes...remember how about 3 months ago I told you Justin and I were having problems?” She looked at me as I nodded my head, “Well we weren’t just having problems...we...we broke up.” 

The shock must have been evident on my face because she quickly added: “And of course I wanted to tell you but I wasn’t sure if you were in a good enough head space to deal with anyone else’s problems. Oh god that sounds horrible, sh!t! What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t want to burden you further with any of my own issues so I just dealt with it and tried to move on.”

I nodded slowly, encouraging her to continue.

“But that’s the thing,” she paused again, “Moving on. It was was so easy.” 

She considered what she’d said for a moment, “Well maybe easy’s not the right word, I mean I loved Justin with all my heart, I still do but just not in the way a girlfriend should love their partner of over 6 years. It felt wrong; it felt more like friendship than anything else.” 

“Anyway,” she shook her head before continuing, “I’m getting off track. Spending time with you made any thoughts of Justin completely leave my mind; I could laugh with you, cry with you, sit in silence with you and everything just felt...right. But it wasn’t until one day last week when I looked over at you, I mean really looked at you, and I knew. I just knew that that was how it should feel when I looked at Justin. And if I’m honest it scared the hell out of me. But then you looked up at me and smiled the most beautiful smile, and all the fear was gone.”

 She was now staring at me intently; a glimmer of hope or something similar in her eyes that I hadn't seen before.

“God, I’m rambling again aren’t I?” Looking down she shook her head frustratedly. 

I reached for her hand and entwined our fingers, smiling at her as she looked up at me again, letting her know I was still listening. 

Her expression changed as she shot me a weak smile before responding, “I’ve fucked it up haven’t I?” The smile not quite reaching her eyes. “sh!t,” tears brimming her eyes as she stood up, unclasping our hands. “I’ve got to go, I’m so sorry Cheryl...fcuk.” 

“Kimba, babe...” but it was too late, she’d already gone.

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